Is Your Content Pin-worthy?

Matchpool’s new pinned messages feature could get your content top billing

3 min readDec 5, 2018

Pinned messages are great for ensuring your content is clearly visible to everyone in your pool, thanks to their prime placement at the top of your messaging area. But, how can you take steps to secure the highly coveted pin? Try creating or curating one of the following pin-worth content types:

Your content is pin-worthy if…

It teaches readers something new

Informative or educational content that provides added value to your fellow pool members will likely earn a pin. This includes breaking news updates, industry innovations and other content you or the others in your pool may want to know about. For example, a pool made up of science professors would benefit from and enjoy a pinned post proving string theory — should such a discovery finally enter the theoretical physics universe.

It answers important questions

Sick of answering the same questions to various members of your pool? Try pinning a message with an artfully worded response, or even a full FAQ post. Remember to keep your answers short, clear and to the point, so the message is guaranteed to be understood by all. And of course, ensure your pinned answers are relevant — revise them regularly and update as needed.

It helps promote positive conduct & communication

Rules, guidelines and other forms of required reading are pinned to ensure readers enter your pool and are immediately brought up-to-date on whatever it is you want them to know. For example, if recent communications in your pool were less than supportive or even dabbled along the lines of trolling, your pool admin might pin a post reminding pool members of the kind of conduct that is acceptable within the forum — and which behaviors and interactions are unacceptable.

It pokes fun at an area of common interest

When content is designed to lighten the mood surrounding a serious or emotionally-charged subject all pool members relate to, it will likely drive significant engagement. As such, pinning it is a surefire way to encourage fellow pool members to continuously and actively participate in pool discussions. A pool made up of working moms would enjoy pinned video content on the dreaded “mommy wars,” while a group of innovative investors would sooner engage with a pinned post on the top crypto investment mishaps.

It calls to action

Want your fellow pool members to tip a message, leave a comment, or click-through a push notification? Pinning content that encourages them to engage in that specific action is a great step in the right direction, as it ensures they’ll see the content as soon as they enter the pool. Think of it as a great opportunity for targeting (and retargeting), without having to spend extra time, effort and money on other types of marketing tools and tactics.

Introducing, Matchpool’s Pinned Messages feature

Matchpool recently unveiled its new Pinned Messages feature, which allows pool admins to always display important messages and group rules in a highly prominent and visible location. And this coming winter, updates will enable pool members to comment on and reply to pinned messages, fostering a more connected, interactive pool that meets its members’ needs, head-on.

So, is your content pin-worthy? Join Matchpool and and join a connected, Blockchain-backed community where pin-worthy content reigns supreme, today.

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