It’s All About Making Connections

Matchpool’s latest feature additions are enabling greater pool member reach, Find out how, right here.

3 min readApr 11, 2019
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It would be nice to think that success in life is made possible by a combination of personal talent, efforts and luck. But in reality, it’s more about who you know and what they can do for you, than what Mother Nature bestowed upon you. In other words, making the right connections can provide you with the “protection” you need to succeed.

Think you’ve got connections?

Imagine the following scenario, which actually happened in real life. A young couple interested in purchasing their first home heads to a bank in an attempt to secure financing. The banker takes one look at their statements — she’s a student and he’s only working part-time, with but $30,000 to their name and no family able to co-sign. His answer — no way. Makes sense, right? After all, who would want to give large sums of money to a family who cannot reliably pay it back?

Now imagine what happens next. A few weeks go by. The same couple heads to another bank, this time accompanied by a family member, who happens to be a CFO at a major corporation. The couple’s financial information is the same, only this time they have someone knowledgeable about the mortgage world and its players on their side. Now, instead of being turned away, the banker smiles, welcomes them into his office and says, “a mortgage you will get. We just have to figure out how.”

Amazing isn’t it?

If they won’t let you in through the door, your connections will find a way for you to enter through a window

If knowing the right people can help your average young couple buy a home, imagine the possibilities the right connections can afford you in education, business and scores of other opportunities throughout life. Imagine being able to attend (or present) at a highly-regarded conference, shop at an exclusive bargain sale, or make deals with the biggest and the brightest people in your field. Knowing the right person capable of connecting you and helping you achieve your desired goals via any number of creative means is key.

In other words, while your capabilities and talents will ultimately win the job recruiter, business prospect or other individual over, connections (not nepotism) are what will get your foot in the door. Or window. Or chimney. Really, whatever point of entry is possible to help you achieve your dreams.

To jump on the connect-to-succeed bandwagon, you must begin by networking. Introduce yourself to people outside you immediate social circles, shake some hands, exchange some words and forge bonds that are mutually beneficial, for the long-term.

Introducing, Matchpool’s new match request features

Matchpool is looking to help all of its pool members get networking and experience the best of good old fashioned human connections. For this reason, Matchpool recently unveiled exciting new features that enable pool members to request matches from any pool member, including from pools they currently do not belong to. These features will enable pool members to expand their reach and make beneficial connections, even with members of pools that are not 100 percent in line with their goals.

Are you looking to connect with the best and drive personal success? Join Matchpool and and join a connected, Blockchain-backed community where social networking is just another name of the game (which you are invited to, of course).

For more information, visit




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.