Matchpool Development Roadmap

Matchpool’s Official Development Direction for Q1 of 2019

4 min readJan 7, 2019


Greetings community and happy New Year! We’re happy to release our development roadmap for the first quarter of 2019. During this phase of development, our team will work on adding new features to our platform. These features will: allow pool admins to suggest matches, allow users to post bounty requests, enable matches to be made outside of pools and include the implementation of a new matching type. The team will also resolve several bugs and markedly improve the platform’s UI, giving users a more clean and immersive matchmaking experience. Overall, Q1 of 2019 will be a busy time for us. We’re delighted to be delivering new tools and improvements to our platform and enhance the user experience.

Phase 1 — January 1st — 31st

Target: Web application and Android application

Continues work on the new feed UI
Add an automatic unpin messages mechanism.
b. Enable pool members to direct message the pool admin for a fee and vice versa.
c. Allow pool members to post and comment using images.
d. Brand new design for the pool’s “About” page.
e. Brand new design for the pool member profile page.

Phase 2 — February 1st — 21st

Target: Android App

Allow users to pay what they want for a match
Change the request process to include new parameters.
b. Change the request display to admin which includes new parameters.
c. Add a rejection option users can employ if the suggested amount of Guppies is deemed too low.
d. Add a new page for admins — through which admins can view all pool match requests.
e. Add a new page for users — through which users can view all of their match requests.

Phase 3 — February 21st — March 11th

Target: Android App

Allow users to request a match from any pool member

a. Change the “View all match requests” page to enable visibility by all the pool members.
b. Change the approve/reject match process so every pool member can accept desirable matches (note, only the pool admin can reject matches.)

i. The request will be posted on the “pool matches marketplace.”
ii. User C will only be able to match User A (requesting) with User B (requested) if User C is already matched with User B.
iii. When user C approves the match request, User B will be able to approve or reject it. If User B approves, the request is send back to User A for final approval and payment completion.

c. Filters will be added to the “pool match requests marketplace” and “my match requests” section.

d. Once someone replies to a match request, the request will be locked, preventing other users from responding to it until User A decides to reject the match.

e. User B will be able to play the role of User C and suggest himself as a match. In that case, the pool admin will collect the bounty.

Phase 4 — March 11th — 25th

Target: Android App

Allow users to post bounty requests

a. Create a new match request type.
i. Allow members to request to meet other members who match certain criteria, including:

1. Title

2. Text
3. Must-have tags
4. Nice-to-have tags

b. Create a new page where users can view their “match requests”
i. Display the original request.
ii. Display all the suggestions users received for the bounty.
iii. Allow the user to accept or reject each suggestion.

Phase 5 — March 25th — April 11th

Target: Android App

Allow matches to be made outside of your pool.

  1. Allow pool admin(s) to suggest matches from other pools he is a member of.

i. The match will be successful if User B joins the pool User A posted the bounty on.

2. Allow pool members to suggest matches from pools they admin.

i. The match will be successful if User A joins the pool User C admins.


We’re eager to embark upon our next phase of product development. Over the course of this development schedule, our platform will be packed with many new features, UI improvements and bug fixes. We’re eager to deploy these new and exciting changes to our apps and look forward to the community’s feedback and comments. Be sure to join our Telegram to stay up-to-date on all of the latest news and announcements from our team.

Check out our suite of applications!

Thanks for reading and match on!

The Matchpool team.




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.