Matchpool Fall Development Roadmap

Matchpool’s development direction this fall

3 min readSep 26, 2018


Greetings community! We’re happy to release our development roadmap for Fall 2018! We have a ton of new and exciting features, updates and crucial bug fixes in store for you. Even though you’ll know what to expect from us this Fall, we’ll be continuing to update the community on a weekly basis about the progress the team is making. We hope that this roadmap will give you a better idea of our vision, which is to become one of the highest caliber projects in the Blockchain industry.


Week 1: 17/9–24/9

Feature Addition: Deputize admins: Pool admins can now deputize pool members within pools. This will allow for better management and support for larger pools with more activity.

Bug Fix: General fixes including various small-scale bug fixed with a focus on improving image management.

Week 2–3: 24/9–8/10

Feature Addition: Tip messages (by Moneda) [exclusive Matchpool feature]: Allow contributors to receive GUP for meaningful and helpful information they share in groups. When users go to “tip” a post they deem valuable, they can select one of 4 options: 5, 10, 15 or custom amounts of Guppy. The default value for each “tip” will be set to 10 Guppy.

Note: Users who don’t have a registered Ethereum address with us will not be eligible to receive tip rewards. Make sure to register your Ethereum address with us!

Bug Fix: General fixes including various small-scale bugs with a focus on fixing the “request to join button” bug that doesn’t require users to unnecessarily have to re-request to join a pool their already a member of.


Week 4: 8/10–15/10

Feature Addition: Pinned messages (by Moneda): Allow pool members to pin their own messages for a fee denominated in Guppies.

Bug Fix: General fixes including mitigating various bugs with a specific focus on the pool editing screen.

Week 5: 15/10–22/10

Feature Addition: Admin-to-members direct messaging [exclusive Matchpool feature (paid direct message to admin)]: Allow pool administrators to send direct messages to pool members for a better, more private communication experience.

Bug Fix: General fixed including mitigating various bugs with a specific focus on pool admin and members intro request notifications.

Week 6: 22/10–29/10

Feature Addition: Match request show original message: Allow pool members to request that the pool admin send their original match request.

Bug Fix: General fixes such as removing bugs including duplicate private chat for matched members.

Week 7: 29/10–5/11

Feature Addition: Ethereum wallet, loading, push.

Allow for users to reuse an Ethereum address for more than one account.

Web UI improvements

  • Chat
  • Pool page
  • Member profile
  • Search results page
  • Home page

Add push notifications for mobile users.

  • New message on public chat
  • New message on private chat
  • Join request approved
  • Match request approved by member B
  • Funds received
  • Funds sent
  • New join request — for pool admin
  • New match request — for pool admin

Bug Fix: General fixes such as mitigating various bugs with a focus on pool admin join requests page errors.

Image result for matchpool


Our fall development roadmap outlines our focus and general technical direction. We hope to deliver an exceptional experience with the addition of new and exciting features including: Allowing users to register accounts with a single multiple Ethereum address, admins deputizing users within their pools and implementing a tipping component. These features as well as the removal of annoying bugs and minor errors will markedly improve our platform by solidifying our brand as one that successfully builds and deploys exceptional products.

Check out our suite of applications!

Thanks for reading,

The Matchpool Team




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.