Matchpool’s API Announcement!

Get the details on Matchpool’s API!

2 min readSep 6, 2018

Matchpool API

We’re excited to announce the creation of the official Matchpool API! We’ll be releasing full documentation in the coming weeks. Our main goal in mind was to give developers and programmers the tools to create interesting and useful projects using Matchpool’s services. We’re Looking forward to seeing what cool projects our community can come up with!

API token request: Matchpoool will be issuing users their API token to allow users access to authenticated endpoints. If you wish to get an API token, you can email and we’ll send you your token!

Example — Requesting information on pool with ID 8.

New Weekly Series

After the release of our API, we’ll be launching a new article series. Each week, we’ll delve into new use cases that use the Matchpool API for various functions and features. Projects could be anything from building a Matchpool Reddit or Discord bot to incorporating Matchpool into Telegram. We’re looking forward to this series and hope to see our community take part with their input on new ideas!


We look forward to seeing what our community can do with access to our API! We have plenty of API-connected projects to release during our new series over the next few months to give you a good jumping-off point.

Check out our suite of applications!

Thanks for reading

Matchpool team




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.