One-to-One: Contact your Pool Admins Directly!

Highlighting Matchpool’s newest feature: Admin-to-Member Direct Messaging

3 min readOct 31, 2018


The benefits of growing an online social community are numerous. However, the downside of a large community is that many members feel that their voices aren’t being heard. Matchpool is well aware of this fact and we want to promote interaction between ordinary members and the owners of the pools they inhabit. Therefore, we’ve developed Admin-to-Member Direct Messaging, a new and exciting feature that eliminates disconnect between users on the platform. Below is a two- part guide that showcases how users and admins can leverage this feature to make for a better Matchpool experience.

How it works

Requirement checklist:

  • Access Matchpool via your web browser.
  • Add an Ethereum address to your account. *Make sure this is your account and you’re not sharing it with another user.

Part I: User’s Guide to Contacting Admins

Part I of this guide will detail how users can directly contact their pool Admin of their pool.

Once logged into the platform, head over to your favorite pool. Once there, pan over to the “Chat” window that displays a list of users in the pool. You’ll notice that the admin of the pool is separate from the other users at the top of the list. To contact the admin, simply click on their name to open a new conversation.

There are two scenarios for each admin contact.


If the Admin hasn’t instituted a fee for direct messaging, you’ll be taken straight to the chat window and you can begin chatting with the admin immediately.


On Web: Upon initiating contact the with an admin, youa MetaMask pop up will appear which will be prompted the user to pay the admin-specified fee. On mobile, youusers will be greeted with a notificationscreen notifying the. about the payment and when youthey click “Pay,” you will receive a notification email will be sent to the user.

Part II: Admin’s Guide to Contacting Users

Part II will detail how admins can contact users directly and how to set direct-messaging fees.

Admins can directly contact any member of their pool by going to the “Members” tab.

We’ve added an option for admins to set the direct messaging fee to the admin setting panel.


With the implementation of Admin-to-Member Direct Messaging, any pool member, regardless of their popularity in the pool, can directly contact the owner of the pool. The Matchpool team was excited to implement this feature, since you’ve told us about the issues that many members face when trying to reach the owner of their pool.

Thanks for reading and match on!


The Matchpool Team.




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.