Weekly Feature Update: Greetings, Earthlings!

Matchpool Development Update 28/10–3/11

2 min readNov 2, 2018

Report — November 1st

This week, our development team focused on improving the matchmaking experience by allowing users to send greeting messages to their requested matches. Though this is a small feature addition, it will enable users to make a great first impression when reaching out to potential matches, engage in better communication and drive success in their matchmaking endeavours. The team also worked to resolve several platform bugs, including: bugs related to saving profile information and, issues with fee payments & join request list updates.


  1. User-requested matchmaking

Pool members no longer need to hope they’ll be matched;, they can now go ahead and send a greeting message to their desired matchee. This feature will allow users to make a great first impression on potential matches and significantly bolster their chances of securing their perfect match.

Next week, we’ll be featuring the Greeting Message feature in our weekly highlight series.


Profile image error — The team mitigated a bug that some Matchpool users were experiencing when saving their profile information.

General bug fixes — The team worked to resolve several small-scale bugs on the platform including:

  1. An issue with the join request count updating correctly. It wasn’t — but now it is.
  2. The ability for users’ avatars to be correctly displayed in public chats.
  3. Minor issues when paying messing pinning and direct message fees.

Upcoming Features

Next week, the team will be focused on implementing a feature that will allow users to re-use the same Ethereum address across several Matchpool accounts. Users will be able to have several Matchpool accounts, without having to tediously create new Ethereum wallets for each individual account.


Matchmaking is the core of Matchpool’s ecosystem. By allowing users to send a greeting message to potential matches, users can increase their chances of securing a successful match. Several bugs, such as those plaguing the: join request count, profile information saving feature and fee payment process were also resolved, allowing for a more refined and professional matchmaking experience. If you have feedback about these new features, or about your Matchpool experience in general, please join our Telegram and let us know what you think. All feedback is appreciated.

Thanks for reading and match on!


The Matchpool Team.




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.