Weekly Feature Update: One Wallet, Unlimited Accounts!

Matchpool Development Update 5/11–11/11

2 min readNov 11, 2018

Report — November 9th

This week’s feature addition was inspired by a common headache experienced by users of most online social platforms: the need to tediously keep creating new accounts. To make the lives of our users a little easier, Matchpoolers can now use a single Ethereum address for each of their pools and for multiple user accounts. Launching new pools and opening new Matchpool accounts shouldn’t be a hassle, and now that users can link each of their Matchpool accounts to a single Ethereum address, they aren’t! Also this week, in terms of aesthetics, we’ve updated the loading animation on our web platform to which gives it a more lively and engaging feeling when navigating between pages.

What’s New This Week?


Re-using existing Ethereum addresses.

Matchpoolers no longer need a unique Ethereum address for each pool or user account they create. All pools and accounts can now be linked to a single wallet.


Resign of loading animation

Matchpool’s web platform now has the same loading animation as the iOS app. The animation is visually appealing, fluid and adds a feeling of life to the otherwise mundane loading screens users would typically view when navigating the platform.


Minor performance issues related to admin-to-member direct messaging have been resolved. Users can enjoy a more responsive experience when reaching out to members of their pool.


The internet and its modern capabilities can be irritating. Virtually every website requires users to sign up or provide some form of personal information. By allowing users to re-use Ethereum addresses across several accounts and pools, we hope to make the average Matchpooler’s experience a little more enjoyable.

That’s it! With this feature update, we’ve officially completed our fFall development roadmap! Over the past two months, the Matchpool platform has markedly improved, with the addition of several new feature, bug fixes and design improvements. We’ve excited to move forward to the next phase of development. Stay tuned to our Twitter and Telegram for details about where we’re off to next!

Thanks for reading and match on!


The Matchpool Team.




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.