Weekly Feature Update: Premium Posts!

Matchpool Development Update 3/12–10/12

2 min readDec 11, 2018

Report — December 10th

Our development team spent the week working on implementing an entirely new feature in our Android and web platforms: Pay-to-post Messaging. Pay-to-post is an pool admin tool that, when applied, will require pool users to pay a fee to post messages into their pool’s public chat. This feature is a great way to ensure that only premium content is posted and will grant pool admins the ability to monetize posting in public chats.

Android application


  1. Pay-to-post Messaging

Matchpool admins can now implement Pay-to-post to their pool, which will require pool members to pay a fee in order to post content in the public chat.


i) User can’t unpin messages — Bug fixed. Users can now unpin previously pinned messages.

ii) When Admin unpinned a message, the unpin icon didn’t disappear — The icon now disappears.

Web platform


  1. Pay-to-post Messaging

Matchpool admins can now implement Pay-to-post to their pool, which will require pool members to pay a fee in order to post content in the public chat.


i) Default chat scroll was always bottom

Default chat scroll will be to the last unread message.

ii) Long messages loading time

Added cache mechanism and smart message loading.

iii) After matching user 1 and user 2, user 1 could not start a private chat and had to wait for user 2 to start the private chat

User 1 can start a private chat after the match.

iv) After the user read the messages, the new message indicator does not disappear

The indicator is hidden after the user reads the messages.


The implementation of Pay-to-post public messages gives pool admins the ability to promote the generation and publication of premium content. Used strategically by pool admins, Pay-to-post Messaging is a great way for businesses and services to promote their brands and products to a wider user base. The posting fee ensures that all advertisements made to the public chat are high-quality and goal-oriented.

Thanks for reading and match on!


The Matchpool team.




Our vision is to create and give everyone matchmaking tools that incentivise positive connections between people all over the world.