Introduction to Mediamatics II

2 min readMay 30, 2024


What professions could you find mediamaticians in?

Actually, the professional direction of Mediamatics is very versatile. It covers the areas of:

  • Marketing & Management
  • ICT
  • Professional Photography
  • Information Science & Knowledge Management
  • Journalism
  • Sociology & Psychology
  • Statistics
  • Graphical Design
  • Human Resources
  • Copywriting
  • Blogging & Social Media administration (Including YT & IG)

Wow, that surely is an extensive list! When I first started studying Mediamatics, I couldn’t believe it myself.

Generally, Mediamatics is regarded as the united ground for all of these professions. While not everyone working in these areas would regard themselves as a mediamatician, they certainly share some key characteristics and traits. Mainly the combination of creative thinking and the ability to use information to their advantage.

The great thing no.1 about Mediamatics is that you can start the journey at any stage of your life. I’ve personally met entrepreneurs that started their journeys way into their careers in business to expand their field of knowledge and expertise.

The great thing no.2 is that you can either specialise in any of the aforementioned fields and areas or you can learn all of them individually. The latter would take a significant amount of time, of course, but it certainly is possible.

Where can I start my journey with Mediamatics?

Mediamatics can be a pillar that supports you as well as lighthouse to guide you. Image source

The obvious choice would be to get a degree in Mediamatics (more info here), either Bachelor’s or Master’s.

However, that is not the only way to earn the honours. You could just as easily get a course or a degree in any of the above areas in most universities or colleges around the world.

You see, Mediamatics isn’t strictly defined or limited. It is largely the way of thinking outside the box and also the use of information and technologies you have at hand.

If you want to be part of this amazing craft, it can literally take as little as educating yourself on this matter from the comfort of your home. In fact, the very ability to do so is very mediamatical of you.

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