You’re not supposed to take naps in showers

Mateo Nawar
2 min readMar 29, 2017


My showers are extremely inefficient, I turn the water on and wait till it heats up, then i usually go and get a towel while the water is still running. By the time I’m actually in the shower i spend a lot of time under the the water not doing anything. My showers usually average around 25–30 minutes, not including the time before my shower when it is heating up.


  • if I were to take 30 min showers 6 days a week for 1 year it would total in 8,640 minutes.
  • The flow rate of my shower is 48 cups per minute.
  • After 1 year I would use 25,920 gallons of water.
  • if I shortened my showers to 5 mins, I would save 21,600 gallons of water per year.


Only 2.5% of earths water is fresh, and only 1% of that is easily accessible because much of it is trapped in glaciers and snowfields. In many parts of the world, people spend several hours a day collecting water, because where they live, freshwater is extremely scarce. Here in the United States people can get water whenever they want, whether it’s from their faucets or their fridge. People tend to take this for granted and waste unnecessary amounts of water.



Mateo Nawar

Oyster-Adams 8th Grader working on taking shorter showers