Dream Focus App

Mateo Arcila
5 min readAug 13, 2016


Research has shown that electronic devices could be distractive when people use it to study, but electronic is also necessary nowadays to have access to all information. Filtering only the calls, message, and social network notifications we want to receive while we are studying is something that is not available nowadays. We also need motivation, concentration and something to help us to take our mind on a study mode, helping to improve our grades and studies methods.

At the beginning of this project we observed how people interact with technology while they were trying to focus in a specific task and If technology improve or affect efficiency in this activity. For example, this is Martha’s case:

“Martha is always looking to her phone waiting for a phone call or message because she doesn’t want to miss anything but sometimes she is only waiting something important. It doesn’t matter who it is her cellphone is always with sound on.”

After this observation I began to generate a list of user needs, this was the base of all my work because I wanted to create something unique and useful. I had always in mind these necessities and immediately I began to generate ideas about how I can improve the study experience.

I began to think about how I can improve people study experience, one of the ways I figure it out was creating storyboards helping me to understand and keeping in mind during the process the user I was designing for.

The story board you can see below shows how behavior and grades of people can improve through a new App.

This is where the funny and creative part begins because I generated two paper prototypes. Where these Apps could fulfill my needs and helping me to generate a solution for my storyboard problems. But when you have a paper prototype you need to do some test with people and find out what they think about it. In this case my partners of interaction design class helping me to generate a Heuristic evaluation, where I could find some debilities and skills of my papers prototypes.

In this stage of the project I had two versions of my desirable App so I decided to mixed into one, the best of each one will create something unique. Always thinking in my goals and needs founded at the beginning of the project.

Changes were made making this App easy for every user, simple and all tools are very similar to other apps so people are going to know easily how it works. It also keeps people motivated and this App has a space for motivational phrases.

The first full make up prototype was looking for a new experience, when people were using my App It will simulate a travel on a plane, they could earned points all time they were using the App. But I interviewed two person to proof my prototype and the results were a little bit disappointed because people didn’t get the idea about the point counting, and I also had to change some parts because the App was a little bit complicated due to the number of options and settings people had to control.

I did all the changes and created an A/B test because while I was conducting the in person testing, it became apparent that when people was on the home page they got confused sometimes about what they have to do. Among the goals of this App is really important that people use this App to add an exam and improve their goals, this is because the App is remaindering them about the hours and the time they have to dedicate each day.

My main goal in this A/B test was to see how user interact with the buttons on the home page specially between “Add your goal” and “Start Now”. I will have two versions one with a smaller button another with a bigger button for “add your goal”. I was measuring how many times is “Add your goal” clicked in the test. If there is a different between A/B test it means that it is really important the size of this button and this affect the interaction.

The way I conducted the A/B test was in a webpage called user testing where the users can try to perform a task on my prototype, their screens are recorded and they also can explain their thoughts and point of view.

People really liked the idea and what they can accomplish with this App, everyone was a little bit confused at the beginning because Invision prototypes doesn’t allow the user to do a lot of things. People were able to complete all tasks that I was looking for, but sometimes they felt confusing due to the complexity of some settings. They all were agree that the App should be faster and it had a lot of options. There weren’t difference between A and B test maybe because the number of participants were very little, but the most important thing was that everyone during the test were able to achieve the tasks.

Then I had to make all the changes and corrections due to my notes of my usertesting activity and the results after all was amaizing. Let me share with you my link to my final prototype.



