1 min readJan 6, 2018

Teach me, To Love…

Lord, I’ve notice that everyday you teach us how to love. The way we treat other changes defending on how we are treated, good or bad. Yet, we cannot fully grasped it based solely on what see it and how we understand it. You’re the author of love. So might as well to ask you a favor.

Each day, we meet so many people. We’re different, yet a bit similar when it comes to loving. I may not receive it the best way. But please, teach me how to love You first, then my parents, my brothers and my sisters, my nephews and nieces. Lead me to share You’re love to my relatives, my friends, best friends, my colleagues, my neighbors. Also, help me to love the people I don’t even know, those who have wronged me or have hurt my loved ones. Lastly, make me see how You love me, that I may not forget myself. Teach me, Lord Jesus...