CQRS(Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

Mateus Ramos
4 min readJul 5, 2023


Introduction to CQRS

CQRS is considered a pattern that stands for “Command Query Responsibility Segregation,” a model for handling data recording, reading, and querying.

Commands and Queries

In CQRS, we have commands and queries:

Command → Commands are models responsible for altering the data state, such as saving information or performing a specific action like addition, update, or deletion.

Query → Queries are models solely responsible for data retrieval. They represent the questions we ask the system to obtain information, such as fetching data or querying the current state.

Once a command is executed, for example, it requires synchronization with the database. Various strategies can be used for this purpose, including:

  • Automatic → Synchronous, immediate response, but less performant.
  • Eventual → Asynchronous and usually more performant.
  • Controlled → Periodic (scheduled) triggering.
  • On-Demand → Occurs with each query, verifying data consistency and updating.

What is CQRS?

CQRS is an approach that suggests separating the processing of commands and queries into different parts of the system, rather than treating them as a whole. Instead of mixing everything in a single logic, CQRS divides the responsibilities of handling commands and queries.

Separation of Responsibilities

With CQRS, we can separate responsibilities. In one part of the system, we exclusively handle commands, meaning the actions that change the system’s state. In another part, we exclusively handle queries, meaning the questions we ask to obtain information.

  1. Command Side Responsibilities:
  • Handling user registration and authentication.
  • Processing orders and managing the shopping cart in an e-commerce system.
  • Updating user profile information.
  • Managing inventory and stock levels.
  • Initiating workflows or complex business processes.
  1. Query Side Responsibilities:
  • Retrieving user profile information.
  • Displaying product details and descriptions in an e-commerce system.
  • Generating reports and analytics based on data.
  • Providing search functionality for specific entities.
  • Aggregating data for dashboards and visualizations.

Benefits of CQRS

Using CQRS brings several benefits. First, we can optimize processing because the parts responsible for commands and queries can be scaled independently. Additionally, the separation of responsibilities makes the code clearer and easier to maintain since each part focuses on a specific task, some of the benefits:

  • Scalability: CQRS allows independent scaling of command and query processing, improving system performance.
  • Performance Optimization: Separate handling of commands and queries allows for optimized performance based on specific needs.
  • Clearer Code and Maintainability: CQRS promotes organized code with reduced complexity, making it easier to understand and modify.
  • Flexibility in Data Models: CQRS enables tailored data models for commands and queries, optimizing storage and retrieval mechanisms.
  • Improved Scalability: Independent scaling of commands and queries allows effective handling of high loads.
  • System Evolution: CQRS facilitates introducing new features or modifying existing ones without affecting the other side, reducing risks, and adapting to changing requirements.

By separating the responsibilities between the command and query sides, each part can focus on its specific tasks. This results in clearer code, easier maintenance, and the ability to optimize each side independently based on their unique requirements. The separation allows developers to address the distinct concerns of modifying data versus querying data, leading to a more organized and efficient system architecture.

Considerations to keep in mind regarding CQRS:

Increased Complexity: CQRS introduces additional complexity to the system architecture, requiring careful design and coordination to avoid code and data duplication.

Learning Curve: Developers may require time to understand and adapt to the CQRS pattern, resulting in a learning curve for both the development team and new members.

Eventual Consistency: CQRS often involves eventual consistency, causing slight delays in reflecting changes from the command side to the query side.

Increased Development Effort: Implementing CQRS requires additional development effort compared to traditional systems, involving separate model designs, data synchronization, and coordination.

Data Synchronization Challenges: Ensuring data consistency between the command and query sides can be challenging, particularly in distributed or microservices architectures.

Potential Over-Engineering: CQRS may not be suitable for all applications, as it can introduce unnecessary complexity and overhead for simpler systems.

When to Use CQRS?

CQRS is useful in complex systems where there is a significant difference between command and query processing. If your system has requirements that involve different write operations (commands) and read operations (queries), CQRS can be an interesting approach to consider. Some examples of use cases include:

  • E-commerce systems, where we have purchase actions (commands) and queries for products and orders.
  • Inventory management systems, where we need to record incoming and outgoing movements (commands) and query the available stock.
  • Real-time chat applications, like group chats, where we have message-sending actions (commands) and queries to display recent messages.

Examples of CQRS Implementations

CQRS can be implemented in various ways, depending on the technology and context. Some examples of implementations that use CQRS are:

  • Websockets: A common implementation is to combine CQRS with WebSockets, enabling real-time transmission of commands and queries between the client and the server.
  • Event Sourcing: An interesting approach is to combine CQRS with Event Sourcing, where events are stored in a log, and queries are based on these events, allowing the reconstruction of the system’s current state.


CQRS is a technique that separates the responsibilities of commands and queries in a system. This approach can bring benefits such as improved performance, simplified maintenance, and greater clarity in the code.

