What influence the Google serps?

Mathe Hoogeboom
4 min readSep 2, 2019


In this study whe have investicated and monitored all important metrics which could affect the serps in search engines like Google.

All relevant data has been analyzed in a mathematical way over the period 2018 to 2019. The fluctuations with each google update are indicated in valuation percentages. The objective is to provide insight to SEO experts in order to adjust their strategy accordingly.The sources that we have been used are: Href, Moz, Majestic, Httpmarketing and Google analytics.Impactable ranking factors!Qualitative Link Building: 29%Qualitative links to your website are good for the following reasons: Google considers a valuable link as a recommendation especially links with a high reputation. Extra appreciation for links from .edu and .gov websites. These are reserved for governments and universities. Backlinks that are related to the content of the linked website as well as in the same language will be extra appreciated.

Content: 14%
Google assessed the quality of the content in relation to specific word combinations (Keywords) that relate to the content of the website / webpage. Including specification of title tags, meta tags, H1 tags, website structure, file names, text ratio etc. Note: Black hat seo techniques such as excessive use of keywords in tags and other content as well as hidden content will be assessed negatively and the authority of lower a website instead of increasing it and also have a negative effect on the ranking (serp)!

Reputation influence: 13%
Google assesses and evaluates how often your website is assessed through reviews and of course the assessment thereof. Good, valuable content and service will generally also lead to positive reviews from customers, relations or visitors.

Local findability influence: 13%
External platforms and directories where basic information, address data, telephone, other contact details and profile can be included such as: Google my company, yelp, Google plus, telephone registers etc. Easy to realize and important regarding seo and ranking, especially for local findability.

Social Media: 4%
Google monitors the social activity in relation to a certain website and influences (although this is very limited) the website authority and serp ranking.
Non-influenceable ranking factors!Visitor behavior and mobile signals: 24%
Visitor behavior concerns how many people click on your website and then the manner and time that they then undertake and spend, such as clicking on other web pages within the site, liking a page or sharing it socially. There is also a distinction between desktop users and mobile users or internet traffic.

Proximity / region factor: 19%
In the Google search results, local companies get a positive preference vote (search in relation to local sites)! This is an important reason to register as a company with Google my company (Google my business) where you can specify your location. It is also advisable to state your address and location coordinates within your website meta tags or microdate notation.

Visitor preferences: 9%
Google monitors visitor behavior and search history patterns, such as previously visited websites, subject preferences, etc. This is a factor that Google takes into account when a user search by Google search-engine.

URL / Linkbuilding metrics terms

DA = Domain authority ( Overall authority of an website )
PA = Page authority ( Only specific authority of webpage / url )

TF = Majestic trust flow ( Quality of the webpage url and related backlinks )
CF = Majrestic citiation flow ( Popularity of a website or web page about visitors )

LRD = Linking root domain: When a site links to another one or more than one time in Search Engine Optimization, site A is said to be a linking root domain: the plural, linking root domains is the total number of separate links that link once or more than once to a given website.

OBL = Outbound links: Outbound links are the links placed on a page that point to an external location such as another website, file, video, image etc. Outbound links are a good indicator of the quality of a backlink. ( High OBL indication that webpage is spammy page with high spamscore )

UR = URL rating shows the strength of a target page’s backlink profile on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100. UR has a clear positive correlation with Google rankings, meaning that high UR pages tend to rank higher in organic search results.

DR = Domain Rating shows the strength of a target website’s backlink profile on a logarithmic scale from 0 to max. 100, with latter being the strongest. (DR) is very straightforward to assess the relative link popularity! Link popularity is also a useful metric by which to estimate a website’s ability to get search traffic from Google and
great DR indicated a lot of website visitors and findability in Google search.

Linkjuice = Link juice, is a search engine ranking factor based on the idea that certain links pass value and authority from one page to another.

Linkbuilding = Method to create external link post to a website or webpage url, to increase your domain and/or webpage authority and increase your serp.
Most important to create organic links with related content to your topics.

Linkjuice calculation = linkjuice calculation for all metrics beside spamscore.
Linkjuice value = (((DA/PA/TF/CF) * (DA/PA/TF/CF)) / (OBL+ INTERNAL URL'S))



Mathe Hoogeboom

Ik woon in Warmenhuizen ( Gemeente Schagen ) Eigenaar van een SEO bureau en Online marketingbureau voor uitsluitend B2B. Specialist in linkbuilding strategie.