35,000 ft above sea level

Muzammil Khan
4 min readNov 13, 2017


At 35,000 ft above the sea I saw you, I felt you

At 10 ft below the sea, I saw you, I felt you

And under that, and under that too,

It was a tender surrender

a cauldron in which the miseries brew

I saw you when I walked through the streets

I saw you in the veiled smiles

In humble eyes

In lowered gazes

In furtive glances

In the Albatross’ flight

In the Falcon’s descent

I saw the moon shudder then surrender eventually

I saw the sun’s heart pounding

I saw the strings, intertwined, unwinding

I saw the fabric rippling

when you became the center of the universe

You were there

In the celestial frenzy

dancing with the stars

the cosmos’ fireworks with the nebulae and supernovae and dwarfs

are all attempts in vain to have beauty comparable to yours

you are the entity that makes the universes jealous

the poor moons envy,

begging for you to shine on them

what constellation are you, I often wonder

what magic do you have in you

You are a magnificent embodiment of the laws of nature

You would have eased the job for Noether and Heisenberg

if only they were not mortal

if only time did not behave the way it does

your luminescence would have illuminated the universes

you would have over powered the Black Holes

in their attraction and grandeur

in their awe and splendor

yet you are human

a human that feels like Wool

smells like Daisies and Earth

And I see that you have the Planets tensed

Venus’ shell shocked, it has slowed down its orbit

you lie down and make the Earth spin slower

ever since you’ve been around I have seen my friends not talk about the beauty of the red planet

Jupiter, too, the great red giant of gas, has bent the knee

you have broken Saturn’s pride

Uranus and Neptune are still blue

and you’ve literally pushed Pluto out of the game

and you know what happened to mercury

oh don’t ask its fate dear

she scornfully turned away for a long time, she is shaken up to the core, she takes the sun but cannot face you

I saw you in your shining armor

standing tall, brave and beautiful in the cosmic arena

I always wondered how the universe condenses and encapsulates all of itself inside your brown eyes

we’ve been trying to explain you since long before you were here

Einstein’s relativity

Schrödinger’s cats

Heisenberg’s uncertainty

the orbits, the tides, the gravity, the disorder and the system

I saw you in their equations

I saw you in the numbers and the symbols and the weird Greek letters they used

I saw Einstein fretting over your silk ball gown rippling

I didn’t see Newton for four months trying to explain how you went to navigate the celestial playgrounds

yet I see you

a human

worrying over an explanation of yourself

worrying over yourself

I see you everyday

whether you’re there or not

I see you celestial

I see you and I see a Universe

I see a Universe trying to understand itself

Meeting you, I understood what metaphors really were

heavens a metaphor for a place when I’m alone with you

hell’s everything else

reality is the transcendent thought of you

death is the time not associated with you

you are life and the purpose of evolution

I saw you and I render the philosopher’s work incomplete

they could not explain why home became you

I saw you and I render the biologist’s work incomplete

they cannot explain how you affect life in your vicinity- breathing life and collapsing respirations simultaneously

However, the closest all of humanity has come to explain you

is through physics

the only veil that covers you whole

the only pair of wings that give you flight

the only dress that shows your true beauty

the only tiara that fits your godly existence

and, thus, I see you everywhere

because I’m a physicist

I have seen you from the grandest of scales

to sizes where waves and particles are at one

I have seen you radiant and iridescent like the sun in all its glory

I have seen you calm and small like cold matter

but sometimes I feel like I don’t know you

I don’t know you

More than half of you, I can’t grasp

I can’t understand you all the times

your beauty makes me cry

In the unidirectional time-space we are

It feel like I have known you since the beginning (if there even was one)

and my quest to grasp you in your entirety shall never cease

because I see you everywhere


At 35,000 ft above the sea I saw you, I felt you.

At 10 ft below the sea, I saw you, I felt you.

And under that, and under that too,

It was a tender surrender

a cauldron in which miseries brew

but do you ever see me too?

The author is a firm believer in the Multiverse theory because the Higgs Boson’s discovery did not directly point towards super-symmetry and he can’t seem to compactify his lovers domain to a single Universe, hence the word ‘Universes’.

Muzammil Khan

I see you everywhere (picture taken from BBC News)

