Quote of the day — Jeff Bezos

Matheus Castro
1 min readJul 18, 2017

It’s easy to have ideas; it’s very hard to turn an idea into a successful product. There are a lot of steps in between and it takes persistence, relentlessness.
So, I always tell people who think they want to be entrepreneurs, you need a combination of stubborn relentlessness and flexibility; and you have to know when to be which. And basically you need to be stubborn on your vision, because otherwise it will be too easy to give up. But you need to be very flexible on the details, because as you go along pursuing your vision you will find that some of your preconceptions were wrong; and you are gonna need to be able to change those things.
So, I think taking an idea successfully all the way to the market and turning it into a real product that people care about and that really improves people’s lives is a lot of hard work.
— Jeff Bezos

Adapt your actions as you go along. Be stubborn but flexible.

Are you stubborn on your vision and flexible on the details?

Rethink yourself.

