Mathew Oakes
2 min readAug 26, 2017

God of Many Names — A Prayer of the People

Leader: God of many names, though we sometimes are afraid, we put our trust in you. Pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for the church universal and all people of faith and goodwill, especially those persecuted for their faith, their ideas, their bodies, and their love.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for this nation and its leaders, especially [names]; that they would be lead by peace and justice, remembering the poor, the sick, the oppressed, and the forgotten.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for those who live under the threat of violence, poverty, and injustice worldwide, especially those who flee their homes to find refuge and peace.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for those in our community whose names we do not know, but in whose faces we see pain and suffering.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for those celebrating birthdays, especially [names]; and anniversaries, especially [names]; that in sharing love, they would know your love.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for the sick, the troubled, and the worried, especially [names], that in sharing in your suffering, they would know you in your love.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader: We pray for those who have died, especially [names], that in sharing in your death, they would know you in your love.

People: God of many names, pour out your love.

Leader and People (Kneeling or seated)

We pray for the forgiveness of sins: forgive our excess; forgive our ignorance; forgive our neglect; forgive our wars; forgive our abuses; forgive our arrogance; forgive our cold-hearts; forgive our clenched fists; that in forgiveness we would know you in your love. Amen.

Celebrant: God of many names, who drew out a fountain of living water in the desert for your people, draw from the hardness of our hearts tears of repentance, that we may be able to lament our sins, receive you in your mercy, and pour out your love. Amen.*

*based on a 14th century Latin prayer (Appleton 106)