Top 5 Free Must-Have Apps for your MacBook

For productivity, organization, and communication

3 min readSep 20, 2023

If you have recently got a MacBook or just want to look at a few Good Apps for your MacBook, I am going to tell you the top 5 Apps based on research and my personal experience.

1. Productivity: Notion

Notion gives you an organized space where all the information you need is. You can work on your own or in a team, where you can manage and plan whole Projects. It is also used by Companies like, Nike, Pinterest etc.

Cost: You can use it for free, but for more features you can upgrade your plan for $8 a month or an even better plan for $15 a month.

2. Search Tool: Alfred

Alfred is the Spotlight Search bar, but way better. It searches your entire MacBook for files and the Internet, instead of just the internet. You can just hit the cmd key and Space Bar, and then you can search for anything.

Cost: It's for free

3. Productivity: Rize

Rize is an automatic time tracker. It tracks on what you're spending your time while working, so you can see and analyze where you waste time and how much you’ve worked.

Cost: It is for free, but you can choose an annual plan for $9.99 a month (about $120 a year) or monthly for $14.99

4. Organization: Rectangle

With Rectangle, you can quickly resize all your windows and to the size you want. This is especially good when you need to read a text and copy it into a Word document.

Cost: It is completely for free

5. Communication: WhatsApp

Over 2 billion people use WhatsApp to communicate, most people use it on their smartphones or on WhatsApp Web, which is also a good alternative.

It’s basically WhatsApp Web, but in a separate window! However, WhatsApp Web can sometimes be a little choppy.

Cost: It's completely for free

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