My commitment is at the crossroad of economics and climate issues. It first took shape through my investment as a social and solidarity entrepreneur in 2017. Since then, I have aimed to scale up the impact of my actions by developing my skills and my academic and professional background. I graduated with a master of research in International Relations at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. I defended my master's thesis "Why has the EU implemented CBAM" in 2022. And got involved in project development projects at the scale of Kyoto city, notably through my election as Kyoto's youth representative at the WEF in 2021-2022.

This medium blog is a tool for me to work on my writing skills as well as to watch over the news and my fields of activity. I hope to see positive evolution in my French, Japanese, and English writing skills.

I am looking forward to debating with you in the comments!

Mathis Larue

Mathis Larue

Business and sustainability | IR & ESG enthusiast