How To Optimizing Your Blog’s Design

Design is a balance between being beautiful and simple.

Mathis Raja Official
5 min readNov 1, 2023
Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

When you have the former, your site will look amazing, but it also increases the likelihood that people will leave your site because of how much work it’s taking them to get to what they want.

On the other hand, when you have an uncluttered, straightforward design that reduces confusion and makes it easy for users to navigate the site by simply moving their mouse around or by just clicking on links — not unlike clicking on a menu item in an app!

Then they’ll stay longer and be happier with what they find there.

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Use a clear and consistent color scheme.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash
  • Use a clear and consistent color scheme.
  • Make it easy for readers to find what they’re looking for on your blog using colors that are easy to read, find and remember.
  • If you have multiple categories or posts, make sure the colors used are different from one another so that it’s easy to distinguish between them.

Match your blog’s theme to its color scheme.

Photo by Lucas K on Unsplash

If you want your blog to be a good match for its theme, it’s important to use colors that are consistent with the theme.

  • If your blog has a dark or black/grey color scheme, use dark colors like black or greys.
  • If your blog has a light or white/silver color scheme, use light colors like white or silver.
  • And if there is no specific “theme” for your site (like one of our sites), then just make sure everything looks nice together!

Use grid formatting.

Photo by Farzad on Unsplash

Use a grid system to make your page consistently look like the page you want it to look like.

Using a grid system will help keep your site looking consistent and easy to navigate.

Which is especially important when you’re in charge of designing every aspect of your site from scratch.

This can be difficult if you don’t have any experience with CSS or HTML but using one of these tools will make things much simpler for yourself and other designers who work on the same project as you do.

  • A good example of this is [Grid System](https://en-gb.githubusercontent8d74b1cae56fda6a1d6fc42f924e2e9ff58). It’s open source so anyone can use it without paying anything extra (which means they won’t have access only those who pay).

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Keep the width.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Keep the width of your content blocks consistent with the width of other content blocks on the page.

To keep your blog’s design consistent, you should use a grid system.

A grid system is simply a way to organize your content blocks vertically on the page.

You can use CSS or HTML 5 canvas for this, but if you want something with more control over how things look in different browsers and devices, consider using Bootstrap 3’s predefined classes instead.

In general terms:

Use a consistent width for each section of content (columns).

This helps readers visualize where they are in the article and how much longer it will be until they reach its end point — and makes sure there aren’t any gaps between sections while they’re scrolling down through them!

Use a consistent width for each column of content (rows).

This helps readers visualize where they are in the article and how much longer it will be until they reach its end point — and makes sure there aren’t any gaps between columns while they’re scrolling up through them!

Design the site for mouse and keyboard.

Photo by maar gaming on Unsplash

You can easily navigate your blog using only a mouse and keyboard. You’ll have to learn how to use the scroll bar, but once you do, it’s easy enough.

First, make sure that your design is centered on the screen so that users can easily read every word in an article without having to scroll down or up just because they don’t want to scroll at all!

This will also help with SEO by making sure search engines know what keywords are being used in each article (and not just one specific keyword).

Next, use arrow keys on your keyboard when navigating around the site — this allows for more precise movement across pages than using just your mouse alone would allow for!

Simple is better than beautiful

Photo by Sebastian Svenson on Unsplash

You want to be noticed, you need to be simple.

You want people to remember your blog and come back for more, so keep it simple and easy on the eyes.

If you are not sure how this works in practice, here’s an example: take a look at this website (the same one from above).

The design is beautiful — but does anyone actually read any of that? No — they just see “beautiful” and move on without clicking anything else at all!


Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

We hope this guide has given you some ideas on how to make your blog design stand out.

Remember that the design of a blog is just as important as its content, so don’t be afraid of spending time and money on this aspect of your site.

Good luck with your design!

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Mathis Raja Official

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