Our Journey: Launching Matilda Workspace on Product Hunt

11 min readApr 12, 2024
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In the ever-evolving world of tech, it’s rare to find a moment that genuinely feels like a milestone. For me, the launch of Matilda Workspace (Preview) on Product Hunt was exactly that — a thrilling leap into uncharted territories, an experience teeming with anticipation, excitement, and a bit (okay let’s be honest — a LOT) of nervous energy. This is the story of our journey, what worked, what didn’t work, what we learned, the astounding reception we received, and how a small idea turned into a steamlined workspace, thanks to the incredible Product Hunt community.

The Genesis of Matilda Workspace

The journey began not in a boardroom or a tech incubator, but from a place of genuine frustration. Like many, I found myself ensnared in the web of complexity that modern work tools spun around their users. It was a daily struggle, where the tools that were supposed to enhance productivity became a barrier to it. The irony was stark — in an age celebrated for technological advancements, we seemed to have lost our way, complicating processes that fundamentally should simplify our work life. The question then arose, “When did achieving simplicity in our workday become a herculean task?”


Reminiscing about the clear objectives and straightforward paths of childhood video games like Super Mario Bros, a longing for simplicity in work tools sparked within me. These games, with their intuitive design and clear goals, stood in stark contrast to the complexity of modern work tools. It was this yearning that laid the foundation for Matilda — a workspace envisioned to encapsulate simplicity, intuitiveness, and connectivity.

The endeavor to build Matilda was grounded in the principle that achieving simplicity is, paradoxically, a complex process. The goal was not merely to create a minimalistic design or a clutter-free interface. True simplicity, we realized, was about crafting an ecosystem where power and flexibility were not sacrificed at the altar of streamlined design. It was about finding elegant solutions to complex problems, ensuring that every tool within Matilda was intuitively connected, making the user’s journey seamless.

Embarking on this journey was no easy task. It demanded revisiting the drawing board countless times, each iteration bringing us closer to our ideal but highlighting the inherent challenges in simplifying complexity. The development process was a constant balancing act between functionality and simplicity, demanding innovative solutions to ensure that Matilda remained powerful yet effortlessly intuitive.

The culmination of our efforts, Matilda, represents more than just a product. It stands as a beacon for those seeking refuge from the complexity of modern work tools. Matilda is a workspace where every element coexists in harmony, designed to enhance productivity without the cumbersome process of navigating through a labyrinth of features and functions.

The Launch on Product Hunt


Choosing to launch on Product Hunt was a no-brainer for us. Known for its vibrant community of tech enthusiasts, innovators, and creators, Product Hunt was the perfect platform to introduce the Preview of Matilda Workspace to the world. And so, after months of preparation, coding marathons, and countless cups of coffee, we were finally ready. Matilda Workspace (Preview) went live on Product Hunt on the 10th of April 2024.

Only one month before our anticipated launch on March 9, 2024, we began actively engaging with the Product Hunt community and researching on how to land in the top 10. First things first — we set up reports on Mixpanel which tracks our website traffic and sign ups (because who doesn’t love numbers!). Our strategy included daily participation in forums like Slack, WhatsApp and Telegram (we are happy to share those channels with you — just reach out to us), connecting with users, and building networks on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We aimed to provide support, spark thoughtful conversations, and cultivate a warm, welcoming environment. The community’s response was overwhelmingly positive — members freely shared advice, helped spread the word about our launch, engaged with our “Coming Soon” page, and contributed by upvoting, commenting, and even registering to provide feedback. This collective enthusiasm significantly contributed to our launch’s success, filling us with excitement and affirming our belief that we can really make a difference.

In the final moments leading up to our launch, our anticipation was matched by the growing interest in our project. Our “Coming Soon” page had attracted 58 eager followers, while our personal Product Hunt profile boasted around 80 followers. Additionally, our network expanded on LinkedIn, welcoming over 50 new connections. Preparedness was key; all social media content was meticulously arranged, ready for deployment through scheduled posts throught the next 24 hours. We conducted a thorough final review, ensuring every URL functioned seamlessly, the website’s sign-up process was flawless, and all content was free from typos. This meticulous attention to detail set the stage for a smooth launch.

Launch Day

As we were located in Australia during our launch, the clock marked 3 PM when Matilda Workspace’s launch journey on Product Hunt began. Filled with a blend of excitement and nervousness, we aimed for a top 10 position and hoped for approximately 50 sign-ups. As our project emerged on this dynamic platform, renowned for connecting tech enthusiasts and innovators, the anticipation was electrifying. We were not only eager for the launch but also thrilled to present our vision to a worldwide audience. We looked forward to gathering feedback and witnessing individuals from diverse regions interact with our creation.

Within the first few hours, our excitement turned into awe as we hit our first major milestone — securing our initial 50 upvotes. This early surge of support propelled us to a remarkable position, standing proudly at #3 on the Product Hunt leaderboard. It was a moment of validation, a sign that our efforts to create something meaningful were being recognized. Our ambitions soared, and we began to aim for a coveted spot within the top 3.

Navigating the whirlwind of Product Hunt’s dynamics is an adventure — thrilling but also unpredictable. As night fell in Australia and sleep became an undeniable necessity for us, our once fervent engagement with the community naturally began to slow. This decrease in activity mirrored a slight but noticeable descent in our leaderboard rank, serving as a pivotal lesson in the value of constant interaction and the momentum it generates on platforms as vibrant as Product Hunt.

When we checked our ranking at midnight, we had fallen to 7th place, closely trailing behind 6th and just ahead of 8th. Driven by a blend of determination and caffeine, we decided to get up, replying to comments, forging connections with users, and dispatching emails. This endeavor through the night was more than a mission to reclaim our spot on the leaderboard; it was a heartfelt tribute to the community’s engagement with Matilda Workspace. Every comment and piece of feedback became a precious link in the chain that connected us to our users, a bond we were deeply committed to strengthening.

The response from the Product Hunt community was nothing short of inspiring. Comments started to pour in, with users expressing their excitement, sharing their feedback, and discussing how Matilda Workspace could redefine their work life. This wave of positive engagement was a testament to the community’s openness and the potential impact of our project. Seeing our vision resonate with so many, understanding that what we created could genuinely make a difference in people’s lives, was incredibly rewarding.

After snatching a few hours of sleep, we hit the ground running in the early morning, just as America was waking up. We rolled out a second wave of social media and community posts, keen on catching our American audience up with our launch news, all in the hope of securing more upvotes.

In the final two hours, we pulled out all the stops — following up with anyone who hadn’t yet responded, sharing our launch link across community channels on WhatsApp, Slack, and Telegram, and reaching out to friends for support.

We got caught in a loop of hitting refresh almost every minute, eyes glued to the screen for those precious upvotes, fingers crossed we wouldn’t slide down the rankings. It was like being in the middle of a suspenseful game, where the stakes felt sky-high. While not something we’d want to do daily, it was an adventure packed with lessons — a rollercoaster ride of excitement and anxiety and questions of “What if..?”. What if we paid an influencer to repost? What if we would have set up a paid collaboration?


Our launch day on Product Hunt was a whirlwind of emotions, lessons, and accomplishments. From the thrilling high of ranking #7 with 173 upvotes to understanding the importance of continuous engagement, every moment was a learning opportunity. Most importantly, the overwhelmingly positive response and engagement from the community underscored the value of what we were building with Matilda Workspace. It wasn’t just about creating a tool; it was about fostering a community and driving meaningful change in the way we work. This journey, marked by both its highs and lows, was a vivid reminder of the power of connection and the impact of bringing a vision to life on a global stage.

Product Hunt analysis

To this day, we continue to engage daily, having met incredible individuals along the way. We’ve come to appreciate the vital importance of mutual support among startups even more deeply than before.

What Worked

1. Community Engagement

From the get-go, engaging with the Product Hunt community stood out as our biggest win. By actively responding to comments, questions, and feedback, we not only built rapport with our audience but also showcased our commitment to evolving based on user input. This engagement helped in creating a buzz around Matilda Workspace and fostered a sense of community and loyalty among early adopters.

2. Ask for support, not upvotes.

Rather than requesting upvotes, we suggest inviting the community to independently explore your post. This respects the community’s integrity and encourages genuine engagement. For those aiming to broaden their post’s visibility, we provide guidance on sharing your content effectively across social media channels. This includes strategies for engaging your audience and tips for utilizing social media features to enhance your post’s reach and impact. You will likely attract more meaningful and authentic interactions with your content.

3. Preparation and Timing

Our meticulous preparation for the launch paid off. We researched the best practices for Product Hunt launches, meticulously planned our launch strategy, and chose our launch day carefully, avoiding days with high competition. Preparing content, scheduling posts and reaching out to friends and our community in advance helped us gain traction quickly.

4. Transparency and Storytelling

We realized early on that the Product Hunt community values transparency and a good story. Sharing the journey of Matilda Workspace, including our vision, challenges, and the problems we aimed to solve, resonated with the audience. Be honest and authentic, don’t just try to impress everyone. This not only humanized our brand but also helped in garnering support from users who shared our vision.

What Didn’t Work

1. Underestimating Support Needs

Despite our preparations, we underestimated the amount of support and engagement that would be required immediately following the launch. The influx of comments, feedback and questions overwhelmed our small team, leading to slower response times than we had hoped, especially when it was time for us to sleep.

2. Outreach Strategy

Our initial outreach strategy relied heavily on organic reach and the Product Hunt community. In retrospect, diversifying our outreach efforts to include more social media platforms, email marketing, and collaboration from an earlier time would have been beneficial.

3. Paid collaborations

Since our launch strategy focused on organic growth; we didn’t engage influencers or set up paid collaborations. Product Hunt advises against such tactics, as their system can detect them and may penalize your campaign by removing upvotes. We strongly recommend sticking to organic and natural methods for garnering votes.

What we learned

1. The Importance of Community

The biggest lesson was the importance of building and engaging with your community. Product Hunt is more than just a launch platform; it’s a community of tech enthusiasts, early adopters, and fellow founders. Engaging with this community both before and after the launch is crucial for sustained success. We recommend starting at least 3 months prior launch to connect with the Product Hunt community.

Tips to boost your followers:

  • Actively participate in the community by initiating discussions and engaging with fellow members.
  • Establish connections with users on LinkedIn, initiating conversations well before your launch day.
  • Support the community: actively upvote other projects, provide constructive feedback, and contribute thoughtful comments and reviews.

2. Flexibility and Adaptation

Being flexible and ready to adapt based on feedback is key. The feedback from the Product Hunt community was incredibly valuable, offering insights into user needs, desired features, and potential improvements. This has significantly influenced our product development roadmap.

3. Prepare your content

Preparation is crucial! To minimize stress on the actual launch day, it’s wise to start creating your content in advance. Draft the messages you plan to post, compile a list of contacts you intend to reach out to, and consider scheduling your content for automated posting. Additionally, organize your promotional materials, such as images, videos, and infographics, ensuring they are ready to go. Establish clear objectives for the launch day, including key messages and the overall narrative you want to convey.

4. Engage with Community Channels on Slack, Telegram, and WhatsApp

Interacting with other Product Hunt members through various community channels offered us valuable insights. While these interactions didn’t significantly boost our upvote count, the community was welcoming, and we successfully connected with like-minded individuals.

5. Planning for Post-Launch

Finally, we learned that the launch is just the beginning. Planning for the post-launch phase, including customer support, feature updates, and ongoing community engagement, is as important as the launch itself. This will ensure sustained growth and user retention.

The Numbers Speak Volumes

As much as we believe in our product, witnessing the tangible impact of our launch in numbers was both validating and humbling. Here are some of the key highlights:

  • Ranking: We successfully met our goal by ranking within the top 10 products of the day. Securing the #7 spot with 173 upvotes and 131 comments is an exactable achievement for our first-ever launch, and we are pleased with the result.
Source: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/matilda-workspace-preview/launch-day
  • Website visits: Our expectations exceeded by more than 500 website visits on the launch day itself, followed but a strong traffic a few days after as well.
  • Sign ups: As hoped, we had more than 80 sign ups and great feedback from users who started using Matilda that day.

Reflecting on the Journey

Launching Matilda Workspace on Product Hunt was more than just a product launch; it was a pivotal moment that marked the beginning of a new chapter. The feedback, support, and enthusiasm from the Product Hunt community have been invaluable. Each comment, each sign-up, and every piece of feedback received is a building block for the future of Matilda Workspace — a future we are incredibly excited to build.

As we continue to develop Matilda Workspace, incorporating the feedback and insights gained from our launch, our mission remains clear: to revolutionize the way work is done, making productivity seamless and more accessible than ever.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us on Product Hunt, shared their feedback, and joined us on this exciting journey. We are just getting started, and we cannot wait to see where this journey takes us.

Stay tuned for exciting updates and features as we continue to evolve Matilda Workspace into the ultimate digital workspace.

Here’s to reimagining productivity, together! 🚀





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