Matias Baridon
6 min readFeb 11, 2016


Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion.

An object moving by inertia is not moving freely but is moving as a consecuence of another force initially applied to it. The object has no control over inertia; the only thing that can modify its inertia is friction or a collision with a secondary object.

Therefore inertia is a consequence not a reaction. It’s passive not proactive. It’s produced by and it not a promoter of movement.

INERTIA applies to people an societies over all. The initial push or provocation for the momentum needed for inertia to be there is school, specially high schools. Kids get out of the school system with a model of “what they should do and who they should be”. After they are put into this state of movement (such as career building) INERTIA is in control. This initial push was enough to get the ball rolling which is then reinforced (given an additional push) in college.

When leavening college individuals have such momentum that they just give up to it and roll wherever the inertia takes them. A new job, to escalate and build a career, find a girl, have kids form a family buy a house they can’t afford so pay mortgage payments and lease a good car and consume, consume, consume, clothes, electronics, food; shopping malls everywhere to keep inertia flowing, guaranteeing a good standard of life so why react? Why change?

The thing is that inertia applies to any object, inanimate and live ones. The difference between these two is that live objects or living beings have the capacity to react and provoke change and break out of the inertia that keeps blindingly moving them around.

So why do poeple in general tend to keep moving by inertia and doing the “standard stuff”? Because it’s supposed to be safe and it promises a comfortable easy way of life (the American Dream). You go to work from 9 to 5 get a decent salary live in a nice neighborhood with a nice house a nice car and a nice family. You go for jogs on sunny days and barbecue with friends on weekends while watching the Sunday game having a bud lite. What else could you ask for?

The thing is that this is what the elite want you to do. Live by inertia, so yo can live quietly doing your job, like worker ants filling the freeways on commute time, siting on a desk pinching numbers and the go home to some entertainment (Cable, HD, 3D, 4K .. Just keep making it bigger and better so people don’t get board). Maybe go to some show or the theatre. And that’s it, happy life. The mass is working and spending dollars and the guys on top are making money out of all of it, of your consumerism and the financial control of this whole charade.

Oh, and they control the media too. Movies, newscasts, newspapers… They control your spare brain time, and they want it to be in standby, believing it’s awake but actually dormant.

Then you get tired and go to bed and start all over again. Credit cards, down payments, loan payments, and that promised job promotion is no way around the corner.

So as I was saying before, animate objects (live beings) have the power to react and apply force from within to break with inertia. If I throw a rock down a cliff it will go on and on until it hits something that stops it, but it won’t try to stop for itself. If this was a goat on the other hand it would probably grab ahold of the first thing it could and change his falling condition to a condition of control of the situation.

This is what people should do. CHANGE their condition of INERTIA and react, be proactive to life instead of reactive. But first in order to do this one must first be aware that he is living by inertia and is no longer in control of his life.

There’s no easy way to identify this but with retrospection, introspection and extreme honesty with oneself. If I deny my inertial condition because i’m not able to accept the fact that i’m not in control of my life, then it will be impossible for me to do something about it. But hey, retrospection and introspection is a conversation with yourself. There’s no one listening to judge you. If you are having trouble with this acceptance then it means that there is a little friend in your head that has more control of you than your true self; this is the ego. I’m not going to get into how to get around this situation but the essence is to understand that you are one, and your ego is trying to get in the way of your true self trying to convince you that he is you, and that his decisions are yours. But let’s not get in to deep into the rabbit whole as for a conversation about the ego would require an entire essay itself.

My recommendation: forget about the ego and listen to your true self, as many many many geniuses repeat, “follow your gut” or “follow your heart”.

Ok, so now you have identified that you are an inertial person, living day by day at the moment in time where life “took you to be” and you just kept going because “things went working”. The first thing you should do is train to maintain this state of consciousness. It’s easy to fall back where you were. The world is designed to keep you distracted, but fight it in your head, remember to be conscious. Create a mantra, and repeat it every day, every time you remember. It might be every 2 days at first, but when you remember, repeat it until you get distracted, and then, repeat it again. Soon, you will find yourself repeating your mantra every day. Soon you will find yourself to be councils every day, at least for a while. The goal is to exit the matrix at least for some minutes, just to remind you that the matrix exists.

After some time, you will start to feel that you don’t belong in the inertia world. You will easily identify numb people moving by inertia, and you will dislike it every day a little bit more, until you won’t want to be back in there any more.

By this time, you will have no other choice than to start planning for yourself, designing your life, taking decisions by yourself and for yourself without taking into account the payers inside the matrix. Consciousness is the key. Seeing the matrix from the outside will let you free. You can either take off and live consciously on a remote place without getting involved in the inertia world, or you can start to play with it and manipulate it at your will.

Remember, consciousness is the key. Identify the inertia world, and identify where you are at. Are you in it, or out? Meditate, speak with yourself in a truly honest manner. If you feel shame talking to yourself, then theres something wrong, it’s just you, you should already know everything about you. So if you feel shame, or bad, identify whats causing this feeling, and MAKE THE DECISION to change it. Think about something else, forget it, or change your feeling towards it. This also deserves another another essay for itself…

Once you start making decisions, taking control of your life, you are provoking change. And this change is what will drive to to be where you want to be, and be the person that you want to be. You drive, not inertia.

If you need help getting around, please don’t hesitate to email me at