Powerful Symbols To Keep Bad Spirits Away

Magick Megan
3 min readSep 15, 2020


These are powerful symbols to keep bad spirits away and how you can use them to protect yourself and your home. Evil exists and surrounds us all the time. One of the manifestations of evil is the presence of bad spirits that stalk us to make us suffer. Fortunately there are symbols to keep bad spirits away. We can use them in our daily lives and thus be calm and at peace.

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The pentacle is a traditional symbol that protects people by keeping evil spirits away. The pentacle is a five-pointed star representing the human being: the tip is the head, the other four points represent the four elements of nature, i.e. water, earth, air and fire. This image symbolizes the balance between the mind and the body.

In daily life we can wear the pentacle inside our clothes, as a necklace, at the door of our home, in the bedroom, etc.

Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is a traditional Egyptian symbol used to keep evil spirits away. This image symbolizes the perfect state, order, and balance in general. It not only protects from evil, but also purifies and heals environments. The best way to use it in our daily life is as a personal jewel: pendant, ring, bracelet, etc.


The triquetra is a Celtic symbol representing the three forces of nature: air, sea and fire. Each oval of the triquetra symbolizes life, death and rebirth. The circle represents infinity. The triquetra is an essentially feminine symbol and protects women from bad spirits. This amulet also awakens psychic capacity in women, connecting with their inner divinity. The triquetra is used as a personal jewel: pendant, bracelet, ring, etc.

Hexagram of Salomon

Salomon’s Hexagram is a powerful Jewish symbol used to ward away evil and demons. This image symbolizes Good and its absolute power over Evil. He who uses Salomon’s Hexagram will be protected from any danger, harm, and evil spirits.

The best way to use Salomon’s Hexagram is as a ring, so we will be certain that nothing bad will happen to us.

Mars Sign

The sign of Mars is represented by a circle from which an arrow comes from. This image represents the courage, courage and strength to face the enemy, and then defeats it. Therefore, this symbol can be used to keep bad spirits away in our lives.

You can use this image to protect yourself from your enemies and their evil intentions. If you want you can save this image inside your wallet or wallet to feel protected throughout the day.


The Hamsa is represented by an open hand containing an eye in the center. This image from the Middle East represents personal power, blessings of all kinds, and powerful protection against evil. If you want you can use this image as a personal jewel. You can also use it as a pendant on the wall or on the windows so that your house is protected from bad spirits.


The symbols to keep bad spirits away are a powerful tool for nothing bad to happen to you and to live your life in peace and harmony.

