Powerful Wish Spells That Work Instantly

Magick Megan
3 min readJul 2, 2020


In today’s world, patience is not something many of us possess. When we desire something in life, whether it’s more money, a new job, or better health, we tend to want it now, and why not. So, for those of us who crave instant success, let’s look at wish spells that work instantly.

Let’s face it, generally speaking, the number one wish for the majority of us is the desire for more money, so let us start there. This simple yet effective spell, like any spell, will only work if you genuinely believe. Cast aside any doubts as we want to send positive energy into the universe, so we get the same positive results in return.

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The spell needs to be carried out in the early morning, preferably before eight o clock. White is a positive color, so we need to be wearing white clothes and possess a white candle. You will also need to be somewhere close to mud, be in a garden, or have a flower pot to hand. Before commencing with wish spells that work instantly, like any spell, we need to clear our minds of any negativity, and we only need to focus on the ritual at hand. We do this by meditating. Lie down, or sit comfortably, and breathe deeply, concentrating on every breath as you breathe out, and let all thoughts not related to our wish, slip away.

When you’re ready, while wearing your white clothing, in the early morning, light your white candle. While the candle is burning, chant the following words, while remaining focused on your chosen wish. “THOU NOKOU MONEY PAAN BOLO.” Repeat this for at least one hundred and fifty times. As you’re chanting with the candle burning, see with your mind’s eye your wish coming true. Visualize yourself already having the money in your possession.

When the candle has finally burnt down, bury the wax in either, the mud, your garden, or the flower pot in the dirt. This spell can be repeated as often as you like.

The second spell is so simple yet powerful in its execution. All you will need is a piece of white paper and a blue pen, Take your paper and write down your wish exactly as you want it, and then wait until it’s bedtime before folding the paper in half three times, concentrating on your wish as you do so. Visualize your dream coming true, as though you already have whatever it is you have wished for. Now place the folded paper under your pillow, and before you fall asleep, chant the following in a lowered voice.

“I desire my wish to be fulfilled.

I dream, and so it shall be.

when my eyes are closed

and my sleep is deep

my wish shall follow

so shall it be.”

Upon awakening, take your piece of paper from under your pillow, and read your wish out in your head three times, not out loud. Now tear up the paper just once and throw it in the bin. That’s it. Just go about your day as you usually would, and let the universe do its work, and remember, BELIEVE.


