Why it’s important to have investor confidence

Matrex® Blockchain
2 min readFeb 21, 2019


When consumers are confident in their futures they tend to spend more money and drive economic growth higher. This positively impacts the investors confidence because they are seeing high productivity and a good financial return on their investment.

We place a high importance on having investor confidence here at Matrex® Blockchain. We recently profiled one of our investors to see what his thoughts were on the subject. Read below the questions we asked and his answers in our mini interview.

Q1.) How does a business earn your confidence as an investor?
Good communication between a business and its investors is extremely important including sharing a plan for the businesses future, confidence is also gained by a business delivering good returns to its investors. Corporate responsibility is also increasingly seen as a way a business can demonstrate its commitment to society.

Q2.) Why is it important to have investor confidence for you?
Investor confidence is important as increased funding from existing or new investors may be needed in the future.

Q3.) What actions can a business make so that you are most confidant as an investor?
The best way for a business to gain and maintain investor confidence is for the business to deliver good results and financial returns to its investors.

Here are our tips and tricks to earn the confidence of your investors:
1. Be visible, ensure when investors research your company that they find good things.
2. Have solutions to your challenges rather than just trying to glide through thinking that you are immune to challenges.
3. Get lots of people on your side. Have people that can back you up, give you recommendations and praise. This will boost your investors confidence also.
4. Be clear about your values and invest in a transaction that will benefit all parties involved.
5. Have realistic financial projections don’t over promise and under deliver, This wont impress investors. You are better to do the exact opposite. That is under promise and over deliver.
*Tips extracted from www.virginstartup.org

If you have all these tips and tricks covered you are on your way to gaining the confidence of your investors and consumers.



Matrex® Blockchain

Matrex’s blockchain solution helps food brands validate and easily share information with consumers about their products’ origin, social impact and wellbeing