3 min readFeb 24, 2018

Avatara ICO

EVGENIY SVIRSKIY Programming Department of Avatara project

Cryptoeconomy is only emerging, but even now it gives great opportunities to create innovation projects. We use tokens and blockchain to create the international product Avatar. We will store safe transactions between avatars, customers and interpreters in the blockchain.

The blockchain will also store feedback on work of avatars and interpreters. Our token is built on the basis of ERC20-compliant Ethereum Blockchain. This token has already become the standard in market that gives great opportunities both for the investor and for the Avatar company.

To order the Avatara service, the customer shall purchase the AvataraCoin tokens. The customer can choose Avatara and a Translator by parameters. The customer finds Avatara and the Translator, gets the consent from them, and deposits the AvataraCoin tokens to the secure transaction account. The secure transaction between the Customer, Avatara and the Translator occurs in blockchain.

The demand for AvataraCoin will be great, as no one can use Avatara’s services without AvataraCoin. AvataraCoin serves the system operation, and all prices for services of Avatara persons and Translators in the system are indicated in AvataraCoins. The customer buys them to receive the service.

VTR tokens

Symbol AvataraCoin — VTR (aVaTaRa).

The demand for AvataraCoin will be great, as no one can use Avatara’s services without AvataraCoin. AvataraCoin serves the system operation, and all prices for services of Avatara persons and Translators in the system are indicated in AvataraCoins. The customer buys them to receive the service.

This token is not a share, according to the Howey test (see Legal Section).

Maximum issue of tokens 7 320 000 000 VTR

Available for purchase 60% = 4,392,000,000 VTR (Unrealized tokens will be burned).

Owners 21% = 1 537 200 000 VTR (These tokens will be frozen for a year).

Project development 19% = 1 390 800 000 VTR.

Exchange 1 VTR = 0,00001 ETH. 1 ETH = 100 000 VTR.

1 VTR ≈ 0,0083 $.

I believe this is the correct value of the token for launching our global project. The project, I’am sure, will develop rapidly around the world.

Interesting idea

Tom Jacobs, a Technical Director of the Kepler Analytics platform, was asked the question “How can a billion-dollar startup be discovered at an early stage?” His answer was: “Such start-up should give hundreds of thousands of people an opportunity to earn and offer them a new technology that will help them to make things that people do or would do very often, if it was more affordable, times cheaper and more convenient.”

Avatara services give thousands of people in 251 countries (via an Avatara person and a Translator) a job and help people to move around the world cheaply, get information cheaply, communicate with people from other countries cheaply and save personal and corporate funds. Avatara services and products exactly fit Tom Jacobs’s description.

Join us.

https://avatara.world eng, https://avatara.world/ru ru, https://avatara.world/cn chi, https://avatara.world/nl ned, https://avatara.world/ es esp, https://avatara.world/it ita, https://avatara.world/de deu, https://avatara.world/fr fra, https://avatara.world/jp jpn


The idea of ​​Avatara appeared in 2011 and was published in the media. But the mobile Internet was very bad at that time and the start of the project was postponed. Today, the mobile Internet gives high quality video and we open the Avatara project to the whole world. Avatara in 2011 media >>>

* Exclusiveness of Avatara service in the world

Avatara is first service in the world of such a kind. There cannot be many services as Avatara, based on customers feedback. It is convenient to find an Avatara person in any country in one place, and for the Avatara person, it is convenient to work in the same system, with the maximum concentration of customers.

* Avatara’s project mission

Avatara project gives people more opportunities for international communication and interaction by eliminating the problem of distance, the language barrier, high cost of travel and lack of time. Children and adults of different countries can communicate more, establish contacts, trade, learn, help, make friends and together create a new better world. People save time and money and get more opportunities to improve their lives.

*Avatara Team



IMMEDIATE MOVING AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT A LANGUAGE PROBLEM. AVATARA — Revolution for the Media, Education, Business, Shopping, Entertainment and other fiel.