100 Best Knowledge Quotes

Matshona T Dhliwayo
6 min readAug 13, 2021


by Matshona Dhliwayo

100 Best Knowledge Quotes by Matshona Dhliwayo

1. “Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.”

2. “A book is the only vehicle that can take you around the world in one hour.”

3. “If you want to dig a grave faster than anyone, use ignorance.”

4. “Ignorance is a wind that blows out the mind’s flame.”

5. “Knowledge + Understanding + Action = Wisdom”

6. “Wisdom is an ocean whose beginning you can see, but whose end you cannot grasp.”

7. “The greatest prison in the universe is an ignorant mind.”

8. “A book is a small library you can fit into your pocket.”

9. “There is no entrance that knowledge cannot enter, no door that curiosity cannot open, no bridge that understanding cannot cross, and no wall that wisdom cannot breach.”

10. “The narrow path to wisdom is better than the wide road to ignorance.”

11. “It is better to be wise for one day than to be intelligent for a thousand.”

12. “Knowledge is better than silver, wisdom is better than gold.”

13. “Truth is straight. Ignorance is narrow. Knowledge is wide. Wisdom is high.”

14. “The distance between knowledge and ignorance is education.”

15. “Truth is the distance between perception and reality.”

16. “Knowledge is the distance between information and facts.”

17. “Education is the distance between ignorance and experience.”

18. “See things as they are, not as you are.”

19. “The greatest teacher is reason. The greatest student is curiosity. The greatest classroom is life.”

20. “Reading is the best cure for ignorance.”

21. “Knowledge is a beautiful servant, ignorance is a dangerous master.”

22. “There is no student brighter than knowledge, no scholar sharper than intelligence, no teacher wiser than understanding, no disciple cleverer than humility, and no master loftier than wisdom.”

23. “Wisdom is a lamp, not matter how dark it gets it will light your path.”

24. “A student’s wisdom is more valuable than a professor’s knowledge.”

25. “Truth has a body, knowledge has a mind, understanding has a heart, and wisdom has a soul.”

26. “Ignorance hides in darkness, wisdom hides in light.”

27. “Knowledge is a tenant in the house of wisdom.”

28. “Intelligence is a seed, understanding is the root, intuition is the stem, knowledge is the tree, and wisdom is the fruit.”

29. “It is truth that makes reality precious, opinions that make facts precious, curiosity that makes knowledge precious, and suspicion that makes evidence precious.”

30. “One who never reads only goes where his feet can take him, but one who does, travels around the world.”

31. “The greatest deed you can do for anyone is not free them from pain or hunger, but from ignorance.”

32. “If you want knowledge, go to school. If you want wisdom, go to life.”

33. “Intelligence tells you what can be done, wisdom tells you what must be done.”

34. “Know truth. Respect facts. Doubt opinions. Reject lies.”

35. “Seeking knowledge is better than seeking pleasure.”

36. “If you sow knowledge, you will reap wisdom. If you sow wisdom, you will reap knowledge.”

37. “Truth is the eldest daughter of knowledge.”

38. “Knowledge climbs hills, wisdom moves mountains.”

39. “The lowest wisdom is worth more than the highest knowledge.”

40. “Knowledge is an eternal disciple of wisdom.”

41. “True knowledge is better than false wisdom.”

42. “Truth is born virtuous, knowledge is born wise.”

43. “It is better to suffer for knowledge than to pleasure in ignorance.”

44. “Ignorance is an ugly duckling, knowledge is a beautiful swan.”

45. “When ignorance opens the door, reason flies out the window.”

46. “Knowledge is the switch that turns on the light; wisdom is the battery that powers it.”

47. “Standing on the shoulders of the great allows you to see further than everyone.”

48. “A sage is a library whose bookshelves are in his soul.”

49. “The road to ignorance is ten thousand times wider than the path to knowledge.”

50. “You are not born the day you come out of your mother’s womb, you are born the day you come out of your ignorance.”

51. “Truth is like a rose; you have to love it with all of its thorns.”

52. “It is easier to kill a million armed men than a single unarmed idea.”

53. “Knowledge is deep. Understanding is high. Ignorance is narrow. Wisdom is wide.”

54. “An inch of wisdom is greater than a mile of knowledge.”

55. “Knowledge is the bridge between facts and reason.”

56. “Silence is the accomplice of wisdom.”

57. “Intelligence is a disciple, wisdom is its master.”

58. “Knowledge has eyes, wisdom has ears.”

59. “Knowledge is intelligent, experience is wise.”

60. “Wisdom is a pearl whose oyster is truth.”

61. “The highest wisdom is sometimes found in the lowest people.”

62. “A cup of wisdom is more valuable than an ocean of intelligence.”

63. “Knowledge seeks, wisdom finds.”

64. “The lowest sage is greater than the highest scholar.”

65. “The bitterest knowledge is better than the sweetest ignorance.”

66. “It is better to be poor and wise than to be rich and foolish.”

67. “Wisdom in poverty is better than ignorance in affluence.”

68. “Knowledge is silver, but true wisdom is gold.”

69. “Ignorance weakens you, understanding shelters you, intelligence strengthens you, but wisdom makes you invincible.”

70. “Intelligence sees things as they are, wisdom sees things as they should be.”

71. “Intelligence opens the door to the universe, wisdom walks through.”

72. “The sword in your mind must always be sharper than the spear in your hand.”

73. “Knowledge is a student at wisdom’s university.”

74. “One who reads every day is intelligent. One who learns every day is wise.”

75. “Books are kinder than ignorance.”

76. “Knowledge sets you free the moment it arrests you.”

77. “Wisdom at the bottom of a well sees further than intelligence at the rooftop.”

78. “Good books teach you about others; great books teach you about yourself.”

79. “Knowledge is strength, understanding is mastery, and wisdom is power.”

80. “Intelligence is a candle, wisdom is the flame.”

81. “Intelligence tells you what you to do. Knowledge tells you how to do it. Experience tells you when to do it. Common sense tells you why you do it.”

82. “Intelligence is the daughter of wisdom.”

83. “Knowledge is a river that flows out of wisdom’s ocean.”

84. “It is better to pick up a book than to pick up ignorance.”

85. “Knowledge makes you rich, no matter how poor you are.”

86. “It is not the number of degrees you have that matters, it is the quality of your thoughts.”

87. “Wisdom at its weakest is still greater than knowledge at its strongest.”

88. “Knowledge is a brilliant scholar, understanding is a resilient student, and wisdom is an accomplished sage.”

89. “Knowledge is an artist, wisdom is its masterpiece.”

90. “Knowledge will help you make a living, wisdom will help you make a life.”

91. “The world belongs to the intelligent, the universe belongs to the wise.”

92. “If ignorance invites you to lunch, turn down the offer, no matter how famished you are.”

93. “Ignorance shuts the mind’s door tight; wisdom swings it wide open.”

94. “Knowledge is the way. Wisdom is the path. Understanding is the guide. Enlightenment is the destination.”

95. “To be knowledgeable, sit before scholars; to be wise, sit before life.”

96. “The more you read, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you understand.”

97. “The more you know the more there is to know, the more you learn the more there is to learn, and the more you understand the more there is to understand. This burden upon us is called life.”

98. “Knowledge never grows old, it is eternally young.”

99. “Read when you can. Teach when you ought. Learn when you must. Apply when you should.”

100. “Impart knowledge to children, and you have fed them for days;

impart understanding, and you have fed them for years,

but impart wisdom, and you have fed them for a lifetime.”

“Truth is the beginning of knowledge.”

~Matshona Dhliwayo



Matshona T Dhliwayo

Contributor for African Leadership Magazine, The CEO Magazine, Health Magazine, The African Union, and other internationally renowned magazines.