Maxie Speax #1 | To All The Cyberpunks of The World! {Part 1}

maxie fox
3 min readNov 7, 2024


I knew this would happen. I knew that the right would be lost to its own unapologetically totalitarian urges. I’ve followed the trails of money and information, and I’ve communed with those on my same journey. This is an outcome that was inevitable.

Bear with me when I say that the United States is not and was never a democracy. Republican fascists are merely echoing whispers in shouts. ‘Democratic’ fascists too have no interest in preserving democracy, because there is none to preserve. They exist to daze would-be revolutionaries and keep us at bay; to keep us in line with capitalistic, solipsistic ideals. This is not to say voting does nothing.

While the urge of select accelerationists to abstain from voting altogether was sympathetic, it was not practical. It would’ve been more practical for socialism to devour and crawl its way out of an already dying neoliberalism than it is, presently, for it to try and focus on its own goals while also fending off a novel strain of American Nazism; {1} however, this select group should not be blamed for its own suffering under the heel of genocidal maniacs, as most of said group is already comprised of disillusioned minorities. The fact that I have to say this speaks volumes in and of itself.

Voting bides time, to an extent — if you’re willing to ignore the never-ending march of capital-induced ecological collapse. But voting in the duo-party mirage is not much of a means to any desirable end. We are not at ‘the end of history’, like the United Kingdom’s resident fool, Margaret Thatcher, would’ve wished you to believe. In fact, we are astonishingly alien to it!

Revolution is not a thing of the past, nor of the future, but rather something tangible in the now. And progress is a beast that shall never cease to breathe; a creature that will continuously burrow itself deep within the land, burst up from below, burn in the sun, and birth anew. This is not something that ought to be, but is to be.

No matter how belligerent their threats become, we must remember that forecasting is on our side. Time and time again, the pulse of day has persevered. There is no reason for the sun to die now.

Remain insatiable. Continue to fight outside of arbitrarily printed lines, do not let fools attempt to tame these beasts, for they will only hurt humanity in their conquest for gold and something impossible. We have no choice but to live, and we have no choice but to win. Thank you for your dedication to the project of the internet, and thank you for your dedication to the project of life!

Forever and always, Maxie M. V. Fox

This is part of a collection of short, unsourced, and unedited rants / commentaries. They are to be understood as distinct from the long-winded, overlooked, and citation-heavy works I may publish elsewhere. Writing is one of few means by which I can reliably blow off steam in a climate which is constantly sweeping me off my own feet.

I am currently writing a book on disinformation and information warfare, which has been an extremely difficult experience. My own internal prediction of Trump’s re-election being proven correct, due in part to my own deep-dive on the many slights of hand leading up to it, is something that will haunt me forever. But I am grateful for the knowledge that I may not get another chance to obtain.

I cannot extend enough thanks to the likes of:


{1} Exchange 1.a: Maxie Fox & Laika Kaname

Laika Kaname:

“i can definitely appreciate the sentiment though i am not entirely sure if the strategy to build socialism is to let it crawl out of the corpse of neoliberalism. i just can’t see it based on the historical precedent due to the american people’s lack of revolutionary desire” {sic}

Maxie Fox:

“understandable. I do think I was grasping there, actually. It’s a frantic take.”

“I truly want to believe that deep down people feel just how wrong everything is”

“But that’s a want”

“I continuously see things that contradict the desired belief”

“So that was no different than anyone else clinging to the supposed upsides of the United States’ duoparty”

“It’s one last grasp before it all crumbles” {sic}



maxie fox
maxie fox

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