In search of lost inspiration

Tricks that will help you to find it and not lose it

Amanda Copete
Not for Humans
4 min readMar 10, 2017


Made by Peter Lloyd for Unsplash

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The delivery date is approaching. We have no results. Time goes by. Customer waits.

We’ve all felt this way sometime. We have limits. But, they only understand results. Designers are reputed to be *an endless source of ideas*. Like almost everything in this life, it is something finite.

Everyone has tricks. Many times, designers are like magicians: they never reveal their secrets. They are the most precious tips and keep them as a great treasure.

But I believe that the world is to enjoy and share is a form of it. So, here I leave you my eight tricks* to find inspiration when I feel my brain is a blank canvas.

I. Googling

Search in Google it’s something we do every day. Seeking inspiration it’s not the same. What seems easy doesn’t mean that it is.

Make a list of your favorites and always have it on hand.

If I seek for inspiration I use Dribble, Behance and UpLabs. If I want to see trends, I go to Product Hunt. If I look for meaningless things, there’s Pinterest. And if I want to read… I come here, to Medium.

II. Parole

Find a book that catches your eye and read it. At rest, at lunchtime ... Any time is worth it. But here comes the typical phrase: I don’t have time. We all lie to ourselves, every day. But let’s stop lying and use time wisely.

Genre? Whatever you want. Do you want to read a book about food diets? Good. Do you like adventures? Why not. And what about self-help? Everything is allowed, there are no rules.

He who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find grace in himself, she who does not find grace in herself, dies slowly.

— Pablo Neruda

Be sure to pick a book that catches your eye. One that you really love. If not, you will quickly stop reading and with it you will lose a very good source of inspiration.

He can teach us incredible things that sometimes go unnoticed.

Reading is not a hobby. It is a trip to an unknown adventure. A new world to discover.

III. Speak a lot

For some peepz this may seem like a waste of time. For those who think about it, What if you try it?

Between absurd conversations you can find an idea that makes you a fortune (or not). Be pushy, insist a lot and do not leave with doubts.

Talking is always positive. That’s why I talk too much.

— Louis C. K.

You have to be like a child: do not be ashamed to ask absurd questions. Nor to respond as such. Shame is a big (and bad) limitation.

IV. Take note about everything

Anywhere, at any time. Everything is important, you’ll already have time to evaluate them. Always carry a notebook with you.

We can always lose them, so having an app to save them will remove more of a headache.

My favorites: Evernote and Google Keep. But for when I don’t have internet, I use Letterspace (for iOS).

V. Forget about the selfies

And discover the photograph (if you did not already know it). You only need one thing: your mobile. We don’t search for quality. We seek for the hidden inspiration between the leaves of a book. Or in the morning dew.

If you think about it, photography is not so different from design… What about the golden ratio?

Photography is about capturing souls, not smiles.

— Dragan Tapshanov

Puedes leer información sobre la base de la fotografía. Te sorprenderá lo mucho que se parece al diseño. If you want to start with the basics, blog del fotógrafo (in Spanish) y dzoom (in Spanish) are my favorites.

VI. Eat. I mean… Cook

For me it’s my place of inspiration. How can I improve this? How could I do this vegan?

Ask questions and take note of it. Test, test and test. Cooking is about it.

A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.

— Thomas Keller

There are as many blogs as books you can read. But if you are looking for inspiration, without a doubt, that is Pinterest. There you will find what you are looking for.

VII. Lalalalala

Make a list with your favorite music in Spotify. Divide it by theme: inspiration, relax, work… Each one can define a state of humor.

Where the words fail, music speaks.

— Hans Christian Andersen

Maybe what is noisy for you, for another is inspirational.

VIII. Break thumbs

When we block, we found nothing useful. Playing not only helps us clear the mind, it can also give us ideas on how to do things. Or how not to do them.

Children’s games can be more educational than they seem. This is also applicable to table games, because nowadays very interesting games are sold.

Bonus: Travel time

Not all of us have the luxury of being able to travel daily, but we can make other trips… A mini trip to a nearby beach, a weekend in the mountains, hiking … You will surely find some interesting activity to do in your city. Just remember, let it be outdoors!

The world is a wonderful place to look for them. Sometimes we just don’t see them. But there they are, always, at our side.

For some peepz these may be sh** tricks, because they already know them or their own ones may be more useful. This post does not try to seek the joy of the whole world. Tries to help those who like me sometimes have a blank canvas.

I hope that, as to me, these tricks can be useful to you too. If so, click on the 💚 or leave me a comment below.



Amanda Copete
Not for Humans

Baker. Photographer. Gamer. Not-a-generic designer. Never satisfied with ‘good enough’​. Problem solver.