Impact of BIM & GIS for Sustainable Infrastructure

Matt Sharon
5 min readJul 21, 2023


BIM & GIS — Why can’t we afford to ignore this?

Building information modeling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS) are two powerful technologies that are revolutionizing the way we design, build, and manage infrastructure. When these two technologies are integrated, they can be used to create a more sustainable built environment.

A recent survey found that 65% of construction professionals believe that BIM and GIS will be essential for sustainable infrastructure projects in the future. It has also been found as per another research study that the use of BIM and GIS can save up to 20% on the cost of infrastructure projects.


Benefits of Integrating BIM and GIS for Sustainable Infrastructure:


Decision-Making in Transport Infrastructure Design:

BIM and GIS are used to make better decisions about the design of transport infrastructure. BIM simulates the flow of traffic through a transportation network, and GIS analyzes the environmental impact of different design options.

The data are used to make more informed decisions about the design of transport infrastructure, which can lead to more sustainable outcomes.

Monitoring Assets in Infrastructure Projects:

BIM and GIS monitor assets in infrastructure projects. BIM tracks the condition of assets, and GIS tracks the location of assets.

The information identifies assets that need maintenance or repair and plans for the future of infrastructure assets.

Seamless data transfer amongst different stages of design & construction:

BIM and GIS are used to seamlessly transfer data amongst different stages of design and construction. BIM data creates 3D models of infrastructure projects, and GIS overlays these models with real-world data.

The information is used to make better decisions about the design and construction of infrastructure projects.

Adding highly detailed geospatial context to BIM as a process:

BIM and GIS add highly detailed geospatial context to BIM as a process. This improves the accuracy and completeness of BIM models and makes them more useful for future decisions.

For example, GIS data adds information about the location of utilities, roads, and other infrastructure to BIM models.

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Applications of BIM & GIS in Sustainable Infrastructure:

1. Environmental Impact Assessment:

BIM and GIS can be used to select the most sustainable site for a new infrastructure project. This is because the integrated model can be used to assess the environmental impact of different sites.

  • Project: The city of San Francisco used BIM and GIS to assess the environmental impact of different sites for a new wastewater treatment plant. The integrated model helped the city to identify a site that was more sustainable, in terms of its proximity to water resources and its potential for energy efficiency
  • Software: The city of San Francisco used Autodesk Revit and ArcGIS to assess the environmental impact of different sites for a new wastewater treatment plant.

Also Read — Complete guide on BIM and GIS Integration

2. Stormwater Management:

BIM and GIS can be used to design infrastructure projects that are more sustainable. This is because the integrated model can be used to identify opportunities for energy efficiency, water efficiency, and resilience to climate change.

  • Project: The city of Seattle used BIM and GIS to design a new stormwater management system. The integrated model helped the city to identify opportunities for water conservation and to optimize the system’s performance.
  • Software Used: The city of Seattle used Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Civil 3D to design a new stormwater management system.

3. Seawall Construction:


BIM and GIS can be used to construct infrastructure projects more efficiently and sustainably. This is because the integrated model can be used to track the progress of the project, identify potential problems, and make changes as needed.

  • Project: The Dutch government used BIM and GIS to construct a new seawall. The integrated model helped the government to track the progress of the project and to identify potential problems early on. ( Can read this study)
  • Software Used: The Dutch government used Autodesk Civil 3D to construct a new seawall for collecting, storing, analyzing and displaying geographic data.

3. Tracking Bridges for Maintenance:

BIM and GIS can be used to operate and maintain infrastructure projects more efficiently and sustainably. This is because the integrated model can be used to track the performance of the project, identify potential problems, and make changes as needed.

  • Project: The city of New York uses BIM and GIS to track the condition of its bridges. The integrated model helps the city to identify bridges that need repairs or maintenance, and to prioritize those repairs.

Review on the Implementation of the BIM Methodology

  • Software: The city of New York uses Autodesk Revit and Esri ArcGIS to track the condition of its bridges.

Future Trends and Opportunities:

As per Globe, the market for building information modeling was estimated to be worth USD 7.9 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow to USD 15 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 13.7%. On the other hand Allied Market Research states that the global GIS software market is expected to reach $7.86 billion by 2025. So, BIM and GIS are growing rapidly. As these technologies continue to develop, we can expect to see even more applications for them in the sustainable infrastructure sector.



Matt Sharon

A professional content writer. Having years of experience in this field. Writing is my passion and I love to play with words Confidently.