How is BIM used to Improve Infrastructure in Florida?

Matt Sharon
7 min readOct 12, 2023


An overview of the current state of Florida’s infrastructure:

Florida’s infrastructure is aging and in need of repair. According to a report by the American Society of Civil Engineers, Florida’s infrastructure received a grade of C. Only 3% of Florida’s bridges are in “poor” condition, compared to more than 7% nationally, while about 65% of Florida’s bridges are in “good” condition, as opposed to 45% nationally.

The state continues to increase transportation-related funding; in fiscal year 2021–2022, the state budget allocates $10.3 billion to transportation infrastructure, up from $9.7 billion the previous year. This funding is provided by the state’s motor fuels tax, which has been the index to adjust with inflation.

Would like to Explore BIM (Building Information Modeling) Services Florida

Some of the key challenges facing Florida’s infrastructure include:

  • Aging infrastructure: Many of Florida’s infrastructure assets, such as roads, bridges, and water treatment facilities, are nearing the end of their lifespan.
  • Increased demand: Florida’s population is growing rapidly, putting increased demand on infrastructure systems.
  • Natural disasters: Florida is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and sea level rise, which can damage infrastructure.

What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

Image Source: Researchgate

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital process that uses 3D models to design, construct, and operate buildings and infrastructure. BIM models can be used to capture and manage all of the information about a project, from design and construction to maintenance and operations.

How does BIM work in the context of infrastructure?


Benefits of BIM in Infrastructure Projects:

  • Improved project visualization and communication:

BIM models can be used to create realistic representations of infrastructure projects, which can help to improve communication and coordination between stakeholders. For example, BIM models can be used to create interactive visualizations that allow stakeholders to see how a project will look and function before it is built.

  • Enhanced collaboration and coordination:

BIM models can be shared with all stakeholders involved in a project, which can help to streamline decision-making and avoid conflicts. For example, BIM models can be used to create collaborative platforms where stakeholders can track progress, share data, and resolve issues.

  • Cost and time savings:

BIM can help to identify and resolve potential problems early in the design process, which can lead to cost and time savings. For example, BIM can be used to analyze the constructability of a project and identify potential clashes between different components.

  • Sustainability and environmental considerations:

BIM can be used to assess the environmental impact of infrastructure projects and identify opportunities for sustainable design. For example, BIM can be used to model the energy performance of a building or bridge and identify ways to reduce energy consumption.

BIM Applications in Florida’s Infrastructure:

BIM is being used in a variety of infrastructure projects across Florida. Some examples include:

  • Transportation: BIM is being used to design and construct new roads, bridges, and tunnels. For example, BIM was used to design the new I-4 Ultimate project in Orlando.
  • Water resources: BIM is being used to design and manage water treatment facilities, storm water systems, and flood control projects. For example, BIM was used to design the new Tampa Bay Water Resource Recovery Facility.
  • Urban development: BIM is being used to plan and develop new communities and infrastructure projects. For example, BIM was used to plan the new Midtown Tampa development in Tampa.

Challenges and Adoption Barriers:

Image source: National BIM Report

There are a number of challenges that can hinder the adoption of BIM in infrastructure projects, including:

  • Cost: BIM can be a costly investment, especially for smaller projects.
  • Skills gap: There is a shortage of skilled BIM professionals in the construction industry.
  • Lack of standards: There is no single standard for BIM in infrastructure, which can make it difficult for different stakeholders to collaborate.

Strategies to overcome these challenges:

Challenge: Cost


  • Provide financial incentives for BIM adoption — Governments and other organizations can provide financial incentives to encourage infrastructure project owners, contractors, and designers to adopt BIM. For example, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) offers a discount on project fees for projects that use BIM.
  • Develop and implement BIM cost-benefit calculators — BIM cost-benefit calculators can help project owners and stakeholders to estimate the potential cost savings and other benefits of adopting BIM. This information can help to make the case for BIM adoption on smaller projects.
  • Use cloud-based BIM software — Cloud-based BIM software can reduce the upfront costs of BIM adoption, as users do not need to purchase and maintain their own software licenses.

Challenge: Skills gap


  • Provide BIM training programs. Governments, universities, and other organizations can provide BIM training programs to help build the skills of the BIM workforce.
  • Certify BIM professionals. BIM certification programs can help to ensure that BIM professionals have the skills and knowledge necessary to use BIM effectively.
  • Create BIM apprenticeship programs. BIM apprenticeship programs can provide young people with the opportunity to learn about BIM and gain experience working on real-world projects.

Challenge: Lack of standards

  • Develop and implement BIM standards for infrastructure projects:

Governments and industry organizations can work together to develop and implement BIM standards for infrastructure projects. This will help to ensure that different stakeholders can use BIM models to collaborate effectively.

  • Use open-source BIM software:

Open-source BIM software is not subject to the same proprietary restrictions as commercial BIM software. This can make it easier for different stakeholders to use the same software and exchange BIM models.

  • Create BIM data repositories:

BIM data repositories can be used to store and share BIM models in a standardized format. This can help to overcome the challenges of using different BIM software applications.

In addition to these strategies, it is important to raise awareness of the benefits of BIM and to build a supportive community for BIM adoption.

Government Initiatives and Regulations:

  • The Florida government is supportive of BIM adoption in infrastructure. In 2021, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) issued a statewide BIM mandate for all new transportation projects. The FDOT mandate requires all contractors to use BIM on projects over $25 million.
  • The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is also supportive of BIM adoption. In 2022, the FDEP issued a guidance document on the use of BIM in water resources projects.

Future Outlook:

BIM is expected to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of Florida’s infrastructure. As the cost of BIM decreases and the skills gap is addressed, more and more infrastructure projects in Florida are expected to adopt BIM.

  • Improved project delivery: BIM can help to streamline the project delivery process and reduce costs.
  • Increased safety: BIM can help to identify and mitigate safety risks early in the design process.
  • Better asset management: BIM can be used to create digital twins of infrastructure assets, which can help to improve asset management and maintenance.
  • Greater resilience: BIM can be used to design infrastructure that is more resilient to natural disaster and other disruptions.

In addition to these benefits, BIM can be used to support new and innovative approaches to infrastructure development. For example, BIM can be used to develop and implement smart cities initiatives, which use technology to improve the efficiency and sustainability of urban infrastructure.

Overall, BIM is expected to play a transformative role in shaping the future of Florida’s infrastructure. By helping to improve project delivery, safety, asset management, and resilience, BIM can help to create a more sustainable and resilient infrastructure system for the state.

Specific examples of how BIM is being used to shape the future of Florida’s infrastructure?

  • The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is using BIM to develop a statewide transportation system model. This model will be used to simulate the performance of the transportation system under different conditions, such as traffic congestion and natural disasters. The model will help the FDOT to make better decisions about transportation investments.
  • The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is using BIM to develop a statewide water management model. This model will be used to simulate the flow of water through the state’s water systems and identify potential flooding risks. The model will help the FDEP to develop more effective water management strategies.
  • Several cities in Florida are using BIM to develop smart city initiatives. For example, the city of Tampa is using BIM to develop a smart grid system that will use sensors to monitor and manage the city’s electricity grid.

These are just a few examples of how BIM is being used to shape the future of Florida’s infrastructure. As BIM adoption continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative and transformative applications of BIM in the years to come.



Matt Sharon

A professional content writer. Having years of experience in this field. Writing is my passion and I love to play with words Confidently.