Adelaide’s growing tech scene

matthew rinaldo
4 min readJan 10, 2019


It is great to see fast and inspiring developments within the Adelaide tech scene. Recently empowered by the State and Federal Governments initiatives to become a leader it technical development. In the 2016 State budget $80 million was allocated to accelerate South Australia’s transformation to a modern, innovative economy that supports and creates jobs for the future. Then in July 2018 there was the federal government’s 5 year $1billion agreement for a cross-brand solutions partnership involving IBM hardware, software and cloud-based solutions, and includes joint innovation programs in quantum, cybersecurity, and research aimed at furthering the government’s digital transformation agenda. It plans to deliver significant savings and supports Australia’s goal to become one of the top-three digital governments in the world by 2025. Adelaide is one of the smaller cities in Australia and often finds talent and business drawn to the larger East Coast cities, that’s why that $80 million commitment from the state government was important. So, will Adelaide succeed in new tech world and if so, what areas will it succeed in?.

Adelaide is well known around the world for its wine and relaxed city vibe but a leader in innovative technology? Maybe?. A recent example is the Tesla “big” battery that shows Adelaide is not afraid of technology if it can help the community. Progressive politics and renewable energy has always been a driving force in Adelaide, so it’s not a stretch to imagine it becoming a smart city of the Future. All around the world the buzz of smart cities and tech hubs is trending. Adelaide may be slow out of the gate but it seems to be taking big steps to catch up. Recently the government welcomed The Australian Space Agency to its new headquarters in Adelaide. Big plans and big money too because as we know from history, with space technology comes a revolution in technical ability.

The new government has also been appealing to interstate and overseas parties welcoming them in with friendly laws, infrastructure and special entrepreneur visas. On the site of the former Royal Adelaide Hospital (lot 14) it is being transformed into Australia’s first creation and innovation neighborhood were thousands of people will work and stay. Some of the world’s fastest growing Industries like artificial intelligence, cyber security, smart sensor networks, Robotics, big data, defense & space Technologies + media and creative industries are all being centered around the neighborhood. Lot 14 will develop into be 7 hectare neighborhood bringing together members of the entrepreneurial ecosystem including startups, mentors, Corporation researches and investors to share spaces and most of all Talent.

Within the 23000 square meters of space there are 650 work locations within the neighborhood, with reuse of Heritage buildings on site and the construction of new commercial buildings to accommodate the Industries of the future. Other notable partnerships are with the Australian National Aboriginal Arts and Culture Gallery with a contemporary art space. In addition an International Center for Tourism Hospitality and Food Studies will be located there, combined with short stay temporary accommodation for visiting entrepreneurs, researchers and scientist. This full service facility on the steps of the city surrounded by a world class infrastructure and tourist facilities providing a promising plan for Adelaide.

Then there is also Tonsley Innovation District that “connects talented people, the best ideas, entrepreneurs and educators in a collaborative framework that spells success”. The Tonsley Innovation District four focus sectors reflect South Australia’s major economic strengths and opportunities: Health, medical devices & assistive technologies, Cleantech & renewable energy, Software & simulation, Mining & energy services. South Australia claims to be Australia’s smart future hub, with a government investing time, money and people in backing creativity and innovation. Tonsley seems to be the spearhead of that commitment. It’s already developing proven winners with success stories and some of Australia’s most exciting R&D promising more in the future.

Additional support for startups and business development is playing a big roll in Adelaide too. The Office of the Chief Entrepreneur is establishing a new model for entrepreneurship they call it FIXE — the Future Industries Exchange for Entrepreneurship. The focus of this is to INSPIRE individuals, groups and organisations, EQUIP South Australians with the tools, ENABLE a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem and CELEBRATE the achievements. Part of this initivave is supporting the emerging technology of blockchain, a mysterious technology trying to find its place in the world. Increasingly studies and thoughts around blockchain are that all these new technologies moving into the Adelaide can adopt it in someway. So Adelaide launched the South Australia’s Blockchain Innovation Challenge, with prizes of up to $100,000 on offer. They are looking for project ideas that push the boundaries of blockchain. Finalists will be invited to participate in an incubation program to refine their idea before pitching it at the ADC Global Blockchain Summit in March 2019. Another Event that Adelaide hopes to draw attention to the city as a tech hub.

“South Australia is a great place to start a business. It’s already a hub for defense, space and biotech startups, and it boasts world-class universities doing world-class research. Investment in digital infrastructure will make Adelaide one of the most connected cities in the southern hemisphere. So there is established foundation and developments on the horizon. Lets see how well the government and community rally to this revolution. So far it looks like they are well positioned to be supporters, inventors, team members, teachers and leaders in the new technological ecosystem”.

Matthew Rinaldo



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