Dear ComedyChronicles, How Funny Do I Have to Be to Write for You?

Matt Ryan Allen
1 min readSep 6, 2023

Above: A fake AI baby for no reason.

Dear esteemed editors of ComedyChronicles,

Look, we all know laughter is the best medicine, right? Well, you seem to have some sweet elixir and I’d love to help.

Before we get into the intricacies of my comedic prowess, let’s cut to the chase: I want to write for you. Why? Because, like a moth to a flame, I’m irresistibly drawn to the gleaming light of satire, wit, and snark that emanates from your esteemed and relatively new publication.

I understand you have standards — There’s a delicate balance between “weird funny” and “really weird funny.” With “weird funny,” we’re talking dadbod jokes on shrooms. But then there’s “really weird funny” — like Salvador Dali and Jeff Ross had an abortion together. Either way — I’ve got you covered!

I’ve tried to look through your submission guidelines, but can’t find anything. Am I doing it wrong?

In all seriousness, but also, not in all seriousness, I would be thrilled to contribute to ComedyChronicles.

Any guidance you could provide would be invaluable.

All the best,
Matt Allen



Matt Ryan Allen

Matt R. Allen is a screenwriter, producer and amateur futurist living in Los Angeles. He's best known for the comedies, Four Christmases and Block Party..