Deploy the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler into Azure AKS from an ADO Pipeline

Matt Mencel
3 min readNov 12, 2018


Recently Microsoft released documentation describing how to deploy the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler onto AKS in Azure. To ease the deployment of this, I created an Azure DevOps(ADO) pipeline.

Cluster Autoscaler ADO Pipeline


The documentation has you run a bash script to generate the secrets YAML that will get deployed. You can generate an SPN as the example does, or use already existing credentials.

You can store these credentials in secret ADO Variables or Variable Groups, or pull them directly from a KeyVault. In my example I pull some directly from the KeyVault and convert them to base64 values, and some I store in secret build variables as their base64 values.

Task 1: Read values from an Azure KeyVault

I use the Azure Key Vault task to read the Client ID and Client Secret. I’ll convert these to base64 values in task 2.

- task: AzureKeyVault@1
displayName: 'Azure Key Vault: MYKEYVAULT'
inputs: azureSubscription: 'My Sub'

Task 2: Create the secrets YAML file

I use a command line task to convert the Client ID and Secret variables to base64 values and cat that into the secret YAML file. I also include the base64 values for the other entries from secret ADO variables.

- script: |
client_id=$(echo -ne "$(CLIENT-ID)" | base64)
client_secret=$(echo -ne "$(CLIENT-SECRET)" | base64)
cat << EOT > aks-cluster-autoscaler-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cluster-autoscaler-azure
namespace: kube-system
ClientID: $client_id
ClientSecret: $client_secret
ResourceGroup: $(resource_group_base64)
SubscriptionID: $(subscription_id_base64)
TenantID: $(tenant_id_base64)
VMType: QUtTCg==
ClusterName: $(cluster_name_base64)
NodeResourceGroup: $(node_resource_group_base64)
displayName: 'Create aks-cluster-autoscaler-secret.yaml'

Task 3: Create the autoscaler YAML file

Task 3 is another command line task to generate the autoscaler YAML. I provide a link to the full example below. You can also get the content from the documentation page linked above.

- script: |
cat <<EOT > aks-cluster-autoscaler.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
k8s-app: cluster-autoscaler
name: cluster-autoscaler
namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRole
displayName: 'Create aks-cluster-autoscaler.yaml'

In my full example I have hard coded the min/max nodes, but you could create these as variables in your build pipeline.

Tasks 4 and 5: Deploy to Kubernetes

In the final two tasks I use the “Deploy to Kubernetes” task to apply the YAML files to the AKS cluster. These tasks take advantage of the subscription endpoints you can configure within ADO.

- task: Kubernetes@1
displayName: 'kubectl apply aks-cluster-autoscaler-secret.yaml'
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'My Team'
azureResourceGroup: MY_AKS_RG kubernetesCluster: MY_AKS_CLUSTER useConfigurationFile: true configuration: 'aks-cluster-autoscaler-secret.yaml'- task: Kubernetes@1
displayName: 'kubectl apply aks-cluster-autoscaler.yaml'
azureSubscriptionEndpoint: 'My Team'
azureResourceGroup: MY_AKS_RG kubernetesCluster: MY_AKS_CLUSTER useConfigurationFile: true configuration: 'aks-cluster-autoscaler.yaml'

Full Example

You can find the full example in this Github Gist.

The Easy Button

After I had gotten the ADO Pipeline running I discovered that there is a new “aks-preview” extension for Azure CLI that will make this a much easier process.

It’s likely the Cluster Autoscaler feature will get built into the Terraform AzureRM Provider and other tools in the near future as it comes out of preview and support for it gets added to the Azure SDK.

This was an interesting exercise and demonstrates some of the flexibility of Azure DevOps Pipelines.



Matt Mencel

Cloud Automation Engineer @10thMagnitude. My views are my own.