Matt Beckman ☕️
1 min readNov 6, 2018


Sorry, my mind was using DappRadar metrics. I agree that Blocktivity is more about transactions than users, and I usually take those numbers with a grain of salt. I remember when BitShares numbers were skyrocketing due to chain “abuse” by some dude microtrading/spamming, so I don’t normally use it as a reference.

In regards to DappRadar user metrics, what I wanted to convey in my previous comment was that while sybil abuse will exist to some extent, my personal experience is that the user adoption momentum we’ve been seeing in DPoS blockchains has grown tremendously within the last few months (Steem Monsters or EOS Knights are top examples… ignoring the gambling dapps that appear to be crazy popular).



Matt Beckman ☕️

Software / DevOps / Automation engineer. Currently at @WellnessGroup. Always up for BJJ, mountain biking, surfing, snowboarding, and spaceflight. #JourneyToMars