How to Train Your Hamster to Do Tricks

3 min readJun 26, 2023


Matt Davies Harmony Communities image of a very cute hamster.

At Matt Davies Harmony Communities, we believe that hamsters are not only adorable and fluffy companions but also highly intelligent creatures capable of learning and performing tricks. Training your hamster not only stimulates their mental and physical abilities but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

Let us look at a few tips you can follow to train your hamster to do tricks:

1. Create a positive training environment — Establishing a positive training environment is crucial for your hamster to feel comfortable and motivated during the training sessions. Choose a quiet and calm area where distractions are minimal. Ensure that the temperature is suitable for your hamster’s well-being, as extreme temperatures can affect their focus and ability to learn.

Additionally, gather the necessary training supplies, including a treat container with your hamster’s favorite treats, a clicker or a verbal cue, and a small target stick or your finger. These tools will assist you in shaping and reinforcing desired behaviors.

2. Use positive reinforcement techniques — Positive reinforcement is a powerful training method that involves rewarding your hamster for performing the desired behavior. Start by teaching your hamster basic commands such as “come” or “stand.” When your hamster follows the command, immediately click the clicker or use your chosen verbal cue, and offer a treat as a reward. The click or cue acts as a bridge between the behavior and the reward, helping your hamster associate the action with the treat.

Consistency and timing are key during training sessions. Be patient and repeat the training exercises in short sessions, gradually increasing the difficulty level as your hamster becomes more comfortable and confident. Remember, hamsters have small attention spans, so keep the training sessions short, usually no longer than 10 minutes each time.

3. Break down tricks into simple steps — Complex tricks can be challenging for hamsters to grasp, so it’s important to break them down into simple, achievable steps. For instance, if you want to teach your hamster to jump through a hoop, start by introducing the hoop and rewarding your hamster for approaching it. Once they are comfortable with the hoop’s presence, gradually raise it higher and reward them when they jump toward it. Eventually, your hamster will learn to jump through the hoop on command.

By breaking down tricks into smaller tasks, you make the learning process less overwhelming for your hamster, increasing the likelihood of success. Celebrate each small achievement along the way, as positive reinforcement will encourage your hamster to continue learning and improving.

4. Be patient and respectful of your hamster’s limits — Every hamster is unique, and they have different personalities and learning capabilities. It’s essential to be patient and respectful of your hamster’s limits. Never force them to perform a trick or engage in training if they seem stressed or unwilling.

Some hamsters may learn tricks quickly, while others may require more time and practice. Understand and appreciate your hamster’s individuality, and adjust your training approach accordingly. The training process should be enjoyable and stress-free for both you and your hamster.

At Matt Davies Harmony Communities, we suggest you use the same verbal cues or hand signals consistently for each trick to avoid confusion. Hamsters are creatures of habit, and repetition helps them understand and remember what is expected of them.




Matt Davies Harmony Communities first dog was Oliver. He was their best buddy for 15 years.