The May Challenge

Matt Dusenbury
2 min readMay 1, 2015

It’s time to get back to work

It’s time to start something new. Or at least, revisit something that’s been sitting of the shelf, collecting dust.

This month, I’m starting a new project on Medium to get back into writing.

Writing is something I love to do, even when I have to force it. Despite my affinity for scribbling on notepads and pecking on keys though, the last few months have gotten away from me. I’ve published only one article that, while I enjoyed piecing together and was featured on a few other sites, didn’t lead to the sustaining creative jolt I was hoping for when it began.

That’s not to say I’ve been sitting idle, of course. This year I’ve worked on a couple books, partnered with a national organization on a major upcoming initiative (no spoilers), and recently celebrated the first year anniversary of my podcast. If anything, the last year has been a non-stop hustle to do more, not less.

That, though, is part of the problem. With so much time being dedicated to other projects, there’s been very little to spare. Sitting down in front of a snow white page went from a need to a luxury to an afterthought.

To combat that, I’ve decided to give myself a May Challenge. Here’s the plan.

The goal is to publish at least one major article a week, along with 2–4 smaller posts or responses to other articles here on Medium. This is an exceptionally compelling platform for writers. By enveloping myself in it, I’m hoping to stimulate my senses and extend my abilities. But I also want to explore the platform more, to shake myself awake. That’s why I’ll also be reading, commenting, and text-shotting a lot more than in the past.

The goal is two-fold. First, a simple brute force way to get back into writing, to find a workflow that gets me back into the game. But the other, and more fun part of this project, rests on Medium itself. I’ve never given the platform the credit I think it’s due for pushing people to write quality pieces. And while it’s not without its criticism, it does provide a writing environment stronger than anything else within reach (for now).

That’s the plan, anyway. For the first time in a while, I’m excited about writing. The first major article will publish this Monday.

Challenge accepted.



Matt Dusenbury

Award-winning writer, designer, and raconteur with tired eyes all the time. Journalist by training, marketer by trade. Fueled by copious cups of coffee.