Bernie Sanders Wins The Iowa Caucus

Why Bernie’s stunning resilience in spite of Iowa’s sham caucus and the media’s sham coverage leaves him victorious.

Matteo Bautista
3 min readFeb 5, 2020

With almost 72% of the vote in, Bernie Sanders has the lead in the popular vote (a 3 percent margin) and shares the lead in pledged delegate count with Pete Buttigieg.

Only a month ago, Bernie was polling in the distant teens, far behind Joe Biden. Now, Biden is stuck in fourth place next to Amy Klobuchar.

Bernie’s come a long way from here. He announced to widespread media scrutiny that claimed other young potential progressives like Kamala Harris would steal votes from his base. Others thought Elizabeth Warren and her less rock-the-boat liberalism would emerge as the one progressives rally around.

Kamala Harris dropped out before Iowa and Warren’s third place results are closer to Biden than Bernie.

A heart attack in the Fall sparked media frenzies that Bernie would drop out. They claimed his health and age finally caught up with him, and rushed to find reasons that Bernie would never recover.

Instead, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed him and he rocketed up in the polls.

Now, with the Iowa caucuses almost fully released, Pete Buttigieg has been claiming victory. He claimed victory even when there were no results released. And he will continue to claim victory even when the results show he lost the popular vote and didn’t surpass Bernie in the delegate count.

After the sham of fake news lauding Pete’s “victory”, giving him interview after interview on his success, and treating him as the victor despite the chaos of a caucus that had wrong math, wrong apps, and wrong candidates, it only makes sense that we counter that with some hard truth.

And the hard truth is that Bernie Sanders, the socialist who was ridiculed as a complete and utter loser for coming within 0.3% of Hillary Clinton’s delegate count in 2016’s Iowa,

Bernie Sanders, the old man who had a heart attack and kept campaigning despite media gossip and slander,

Bernie Sanders, the loud and angry candidate who embraces diversity instead of telling voters “vote for someone else”,

Bernie Sanders, the candidate who doesn’t claim individual donations from low income supporters is “dark money”,

Bernie Sanders, the only candidate who consistently ranks as the most authentic and honest to voters,

That Bernie Sanders is the one who won Iowa.

And no matter what story the media sows about their favorite marionette, we know that the real winner with real momentum and real support is campaigning with working people in New Hampshire right now, not having cocktail parties with billionaire donors.

We know that Iowa’s working people have shocked the nation.

And by all indications, we are going on to New Hampshire victorious.

