Optimistic Nihilism: A Guide to The Nothingness of Everything

The Art of Not Knowing Anything

Matteo Giardini
3 min readJan 20, 2019

I am not inventing the wheel or discovering fire. I am simply a curious and confused young man who is attempting to untangle his thoughts.

Nothing matters. They say.

Yes but. I respond.

They interrupt. One day all your pleasures and pains will come to an end, and everything will vanish.

That’s true but. How come do I care so much about everything? Tell me.

Why am I so emotionally attached to my present? Why do I overthink so much about my past and why, why do I run so fast to chase after my ambitions?

Questions. Doubts. And more questions. Human existence is a chaotic twist of interrogatives.


I know I am not alone, and I am long passed that depressive period of adolescence where confusion is the number one watchword. After all, I still cannot help it but being constantly struck by my surroundings; endlessly questioning every single proposition this world has to offer.

I like to convince myself that I have abandoned ignorance and naivety long ago. Although, I still do not know anything, and the unknown dominates my days.

But you know what!?


Stop moaning about all this instability and react.

The turning point wound up unexpectedly, during a casual conversation with a couple of friends. We were not seeking the answer to all our questions. Neither were we pretending to begin ignoring these existential queries. Though, we came to a conclusion.

[From now on, please meticulously filter every letter I will type.]

Life is meaningless.That massive yellow sphere called sun is not shining for us, it simply is. And this long depressive introduction was meant to announce optimistic nihilism. A concept which justifies the nothingness of everything.

We have no intrinsic reason to do or think what we are doing or thinking at the moment. The universe has no implicit set of principles or rules to be obeyed. And, if there is no pre-established pattern meant for you to be followed, you are the only architect of your future.

All we know is that we get one chance. One, and that’s it. While that can be pretty scary, it truly unfolds a limitless potential to be exploited. As human beings, we get one shot, but guess what, we are completely free. We are free to dictate our purpose.

Ok, what now? You are not helping, at all.

Well, that is it. It is all up to you. At this point, every mistake, discomfort or frustration should be let go, and each and every one of us should start establishing what truly fulfills us. Humans are capable of some pretty incredible prodigies. We can explore. We can experience emotions. We can travel, work, read, make mistakes, learn and love.

All this is often taken for granted, but it is the essence of what human kind truly is.

Perhaps, the problem now is not even whether this life is worth living. Given the uniqueness of our lifetime, will we ever get to experience all that we desire to do? This standpoint should now trigger one’s willingness to go out there and begin chasing after their goals. Find something that defines you and dedicate your whole life to it.

We still do not know who we are, where we come from or if we are on a special mission.

All we know is that there are billions of people to meet, diseases to cure, books to read, places to discover and hours and hours of happiness to be experienced.

The floor is yours. Put up an astonishing show.

[I wish to end these lines with the most invaluable and simple piece of advice I have ever received. A video which opened my eyes, inspired me and triggered the mental processes outlined above. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBRqu0YOH14]

