I Booked 16 Podcast Interviews in 24 Hours With This Web Page

Matt Giovanisci
3 min readMay 21, 2016


I hate pitching to be on podcasts. It feels slimy. Especially when I don’t know these podcasters.

When I co-hosted the Listen Money Matters Podcast, we got pitched all the time. We never booked someone because they sent us an email with an attached “one-sheet”.

I’m lying. We booked one dude. He sent us a TED Talk he did.

I’m lying again. He sent us a TEDx Talk.

Can You Create a Better One-Sheet?

What if I created a web page that brought podcasters to me! What if it convinced them to have me on their show?

This was the idea.

I started writing the copy. It was originally titled, “I Want To Be a Guest On Your Podcast.” I bragged about myself and all the reasons a podcaster should have me on their show — I used to be a podcaster so I know what they’re looking for.

I wrote about bringing “value” and entertainment to their show. I used the word “value” in quotes because I don’t know what it means. I’ve heard marketers say it, so I’m quoting them.

I also wrote about the expensive podcasting equipment I use, claiming to sound like Marc Maron.

I kept writing, but wasn’t working. Something felt off.

I read the first draft to my girlfriend, Steph. She suggested it should be written in the third person so it didn’t sound “douchey.” When I changed it, it allowed me to be arrogant and self-deprecating. This made it work!

On top of that, I wanted the page to be honest and funny. I knew what podcasters wanted to hear. And I made sure it was charming. I got some feedback after writing this post:

So charm is a factor!

I put them at ease by listing my background in podcasting. I gave them photos they can use for their show notes. I promised to help promote the show when it’s live and gave them pre-written intros to use.

I did the research for them and put it in a beautiful layout. I offered personal secrets so they didn’t have to Google me to find questions.

It was a one-sheet that was less about what I wanted and more about what they needed.

Matt Wants To Be a Guest On Your Podcast

It took me two days to write the copy in Google Docs. I wanted it to be tight. I wanted it to be funny and helpful.

The pictures were easy to take by myself using my Canon 70D and a few lights. I just put the camera on film mode and created a long video of myself posing. Then I imported it and took screenshots. Here’s how silly it was:

Building the website was easy, too. I love sitting down and banging out code. This also took two days to make.

Finally, here’s the finished web page: http://www.moneylab.co/guest/

I ended up booking 16 interviews in 24 hours by sharing it a few times on Facebook and Twitter. People liked and shared it. They tagged their podcasting friends in the comments.

It worked better than I thought. It brought podcasters to me. Exactly what I wanted it to do. 1,025 people visited the page.

The only problem: I have do 16 podcasts.

Matt is an, “entertaining entrepreneur, website wizard, podcast producer, music maker, video veteran, and alliteration addict,” according to his Twitter bio. Watch Matt make money on MoneyLab.co

