Handling Errors with Try and Catch in C# Unity: A Practical Example

3 min readMar 28, 2023


We’ve all been here, with countless errors

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of error handling in C# Unity using try and catch blocks. We’ll do this by examining a method of my DeckUI class that loads saved decks of cards from files. This method will later be used to populate a menu for the player to select from their saved list of decks.

The example method that will be used in this article.

Understanding Try and Catch Blocks

Try and catch blocks are used to handle exceptions or errors that may occur during the execution of a block of code. By wrapping the code in a try block, you can catch any exceptions that occur and handle them gracefully, avoiding unhandled exceptions that could cause your application to crash.

In our example, we’ll look at the SavedDecks method, which loads all saved decks from the Application.persistentDataPath directory with a .deck extension.

Implementing Error Handling with Try and Catch

The SavedDecks method is responsible for loading all saved decks from the specified directory. To ensure that any errors encountered while reading files or directories are handled, we've wrapped the relevant code in a try block. This is particularly useful when dealing with file I/O operations, as they can raise a variety of exceptions, such as FileNotFoundException, DirectoryNotFoundException, or IOException.

If an exception occurs within the try block, the program jumps to the corresponding catch block, where we can handle the error appropriately. In this example, we log an error message to the Unity console with the details of the exception:

By implementing try and catch blocks, we ensure that the application can continue running even if an error occurs while loading the decks. This provides a better user experience and helps prevent unexpected crashes.


In this article, we’ve explored the use of try and catch blocks in C# Unity for handling exceptions. By wrapping potentially problematic code in a try block and catching exceptions in a catch block, we can provide more robust error handling and improve the stability of our game.

Remember that error handling is an essential aspect of software development, and properly handling exceptions can help create a more reliable and user-friendly application. Always consider the potential errors that could occur in your code and plan for how to handle them gracefully.




I am a Unity game developer learning with GameDevHQ as well as developing a Card Game. Visit my website: mattgmez98.wixsite.com/matthew-j-gomez