A Constant Doubt

Matt Harwood
2 min readFeb 25, 2015

After reading Generation Stupid yesterday, a lot of uncomfortable bells began to ring in my head.

Not because I waste my life on Candy Crush, I don’t. The opposite, in fact.

I have a constant fear that whatever I’m doing right now is not contributing to a big plan to be ‘successful’, and I think a lot of other people feel this too, especially in tech (and start-up) land.

I read non-fiction 95% of the time because getting lost in a novel feels like a wasted opportunity. Only having half a hour a day to read, I can’t justify to my worried mind choosing a thriller over a productivity guru’s latest ideas.

Video games have never interested me, I should be programming instead!

Any films not based in the real world (fantasy, comic book stars, horrors) don’t provide any new knowledge I can apply in life.

Podcast choices are Today in Parliament, No Agenda, the TWiT network over popular and entertaining Serial, for example.

It ends up making you feel like a bore, a workaholic. Half the world seems to be saying it’s the only way to be ‘successful’ — to not waste your time. The other half suggest you’ll crack up and miss the point of life if you don’t have fun.

Everything in moderation?



Matt Harwood

In to relaxation, the real world, marketing and technology. Exploring the effects of the modern world on our minds and bodies.