End of Rope

6 Ways men regret losing the women they rejected

Ever kicked yourself for letting that amazing girl slip through your fingers? Yeah, it stings.

Matthew Coast
4 min readMay 17, 2024


Photo by Claudia Soraya on Unsplash

In life, sometimes the choices we make about who to date can end up being ones we regret. Men might decide not to pursue someone, thinking it’s not a big deal, only to realize later how special she is.

This kind of regret is something psychologists understand well.

They say it’s all about loss aversion— a fancy term that means we often feel sadder about the things we lose than happy about the things we gain​​.

This feeling of loss becomes even stronger due to the “scarcity effect.”

When something is rare or unavailable, we suddenly see it as more valuable.

This happens with people, too.

When a woman a man could have dated is no longer an option, she might seem even more appealing than when she was available​.

We see these psychological patterns play out in the stories of men who regret their decisions to reject someone.

Understanding this helps us understand why emotions can be so complex and why we sometimes…



Matthew Coast

After over a decade of helping women attract great men into great relationships, Matthew is here to help you too. Visit https://matthewcoast.com/ for more...