What is Redux Ducks?
I was in the process of implementing Redux on a large React SPA at work. I had already setup the file structure as I had seen and used before on smaller applications. However, I began to wonder if my setup would scale well as the application grew. A colleague suggested I look into ‘Redux Ducks’. I thought ‘That’s a silly name…’ and started to do some research. Below is a synopsis of my research:
Ducks is a modular pattern that collocates actions, action types and reducers.
According to the Ducks proposal:
A module…
1. MUST export default a function called reducer()
2. MUST export its action creators as functions
3. MUST have action types in the form npm-module-or-app/reducer/ACTION_TYPE
4. MAY export its action types as UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, if an external reducer needs to listen for them, or if it is a published reusable library
Modular? Working with React, I love modular. But, what does a real module look like? Well, here’s an example straight from the Ducks proposal:
// Actions
const LOAD = 'my-app/widgets/LOAD';
const CREATE = 'my-app/widgets/CREATE';
const UPDATE = 'my-app/widgets/UPDATE';
const REMOVE = 'my-app/widgets/REMOVE';
// Reducer
export default function reducer(state = {}, action = {}) {
switch (action.type) {
// do reducer stuff
default: return state;
// Action Creators
export function loadWidgets() {
return { type: LOAD };
export function createWidget(widget) {
return { type: CREATE, widget };
export function updateWidget(widget) {
return { type: UPDATE, widget };
export function removeWidget(widget) {
return { type: REMOVE, widget };
// side effects, only as applicable
// e.g. thunks, epics, etc
export function getWidget () {
return dispatch => get('/widget').then(widget => dispatch(updateWidget(widget)))
Finally, here is a trivial ToDo app example on GitHub, created by Cody Barrus.
We did not end up using the Redux Ducks pattern in our codebase, but I will explain my experiences using Ducks and the implementation we ended up using in another article.