Understanding the Scan to BIM Process and the Importance of a Checklist

3 min readJan 12, 2024


Scan to BIM is a revolutionary process that transforms captured real-world data into a robust, information-rich Building Information Model (BIM). By utilizing 3D laser scanners or photogrammetry techniques, the existing structure is meticulously captured, generating a point cloud — a dense cluster of 3D data points.

This point cloud then serves as the basis for creating a comprehensive and accurate BIM model, enhancing the entire building lifecycle.

Here’s a breakdown of the key stages:

1. Pre-scanning:

  • Define project requirements and goals: Identify what information needs to be captured and the level of detail needed in the BIM model.
  • Develop a Scan to BIM plan: Plan scan locations, scanning parameters, and equipment based on project requirements.
  • Prepare the site: Ensure optimal accessibility and visibility for the scanner.

2. Scanning:

  • Capture 3D point cloud data: Use a laser scanner to capture millions of precise points representing the existing building elements.
  • Quality control: Check for data completeness, accuracy, and potential errors.

3. Point cloud processing:

  • Registration and alignment: Combine scans from different positions to create a unified point cloud representation.
  • Noise reduction and filtering: Remove unwanted data like clutter or equipment reflections.
  • Modeling preparation: Segment the point cloud into elements like walls, floors, and ceilings.

4. BIM modeling:

  • Extract geometry from the point cloud: Use specialized software to convert point cloud data into 3D BIM objects.
  • Refine and detail the model: Add architectural elements, MEP systems, and other details based on existing documentation or additional surveys.
  • Quality control and validation: Verify the model’s accuracy and compliance with project specifications.

5. Delivery and integration:

  • Export the BIM model in suitable formats: Ensure compatibility with other project software and tools.
  • Integrate the model into the overall workflow: Utilize the BIM model for clash detection, cost estimation, scheduling, and facility management.

Why is a Scan to BIM Checklist Important?

Using a Scan to BIM checklist offers several benefits:

  • Ensures a standardized and efficient workflow: Reduces the risk of missing crucial steps or overlooking essential details.
  • Improves consistency and quality: Promotes accurate and reliable data capture, processing, and modeling.
  • Enhances communication and collaboration: Provides a clear roadmap for all project stakeholders involved in the Scan to BIM process.
  • Minimizes errors and rework: Early identification and correction of potential issues save time and resources.
  • Adaptability to project needs: Checklists can be tailored to specific project requirements and levels of detail.

Overall, a Scan to BIM checklist acts as a valuable guide, streamlining the process, fostering quality control, and ultimately contributing to successful project outcomes.

Remember, the provided checklist is a starting point. Always adapt it to your specific project and customize it to suit your needs and software preferences.

