Why Having a Side Hustle Leads to a Passionate Life

Matthew Biggins
6 min readJan 16, 2018
Source: LiveCivil

Aside hustle is what you do after your nine-to-five, after class is out and homework is done, when the kids are asleep. When most people’s day is over, yours is just getting started. Pinterest growth hacking, Instagram DMing, writing, flipping products on eBay — whatever your fix, you start when others stop. That is the art of the side hustle.

How Hustling Began

There have always been people out there with an insane work ethic: working 100-hour weeks, sleeping less than six hours a day, forgetting to eat out of sheer focus. So why has there been such an emphasis on hustling in the past few years? It morphed from something people did casually into a belief system — a way of life. The side hustle has become, dare we say, sexy.

The internet, social media, and mobile devices have made side hustles far more attainable. The internet has enabled people to set up and run online businesses from their bedrooms. Social media decreased the cost required to interact with hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. Stay-at-home mothers have leveraged it to found multimillion-dollar companies. Mobile devices allow us to always be connected. These technologies changed what we can do, but that alone isn’t the catalyst for the side hustle movement.

