Why Civil

Matthew Iles
2 min readDec 14, 2016


Edit (6/21/17): Our team has since published an update to this thought-starter called “Civil: Self-Sustaining Journalism”, which lays out our latest plans for building the first truly decentralized journalism platform.

Civil is a news platform where people directly fund and openly scrutinize independent journalists reporting on the issues that matter most.

We call it ‘radically open journalism’.

Our mission is to help people conduct their lives more knowledgeably and with greater peace of mind.

Who we are

Fulfilling our mission requires building a phenomenal team. Here’s what it takes to be successful at Civil.

Inspired by John Wooden’s “Pyramid of Success”, including some verbatim usage throughout.

How we work

After our mission and our values, Civil rests on 3 key pillars to ensure journalists create trustworthy news that matters to you.

What it means for you

Civil is not another news brand, we’re a news platform. We don’t want to hire engineers to make ad tech, we want to build a highly personal news experience. We don’t want to hire designers to create sponsored content, we want to create tools for telling beautiful stories. We don’t want to hire journalists to write clickbait, we want easy-to-read, well-reported news. That’s what ‘radically open journalism’ means for you.

But Civil only works if it’s widely used. We need engaged readers and tenacious journalists. We need your help.

For more on Civil and how to lend your support, join here.

For more details on how it works, read our whitepaper.

Thank you so much for your support.



Matthew Iles

Husband, dog owner, Brooklynite. Founder of Civil: Making sense of the world together.