Stay Open: Finding Meditation

Matthew Krajewski
3 min readSep 27, 2016


I started journeying shamanically about 5 years ago. This was not intentional…at least not at first.

I’ve recounted the story different ways in each of my three books, but the core of it is I stumbled into journeying. During a past life regression session, an animal guardian approached me telepathically and gave me a life changing vision. I was shaken up for a couple of months, trying to process the experience. When I needed it most, about three months after the vision, the universe sent me a teacher who I worked deeply with for close to a year to build up my core shamanic competency.

Many people recommended meditation, but it didn’t appeal to me. Given that I have studied the Zohar, practice Kundalini yoga, and journeyed shamanically I had little interest in a core meditation practice.

In the last year or so, I reached a plateau spiritually, at least from my perception. Many people recommended meditation, but it didn’t appeal to me. Given that I have studied the Zohar, practice Kundalini yoga, and journeyed shamanically I had little interest in a core meditation practice. Not spiritually potent or exotic enough! Recently though, some new information changed my mind.

I follow Corey Goode and David Wilcock on Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure. I even read David’s new book recently, The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil. While many volumes could be written on the valuable and commonsense information Corey and David share, what is pertinent here is guidance from extrateristerials apart of a group known as the Sphere Alliance urging human beings to meditate more.

Something about this advice set off an alarm in my intuiative sense.

Why hadn’t I meditated?

What was I missing?

Why were beings from beyond our solar system urging us to do so?

In particular, focusing on being and radiating love, forgiving others and forgiving yourself, and activating healing for yourself and for others.

The advice shared had to do with focusing on principles of love, forgiveness, and healing. To which I have been applying myself ever since. In particular, focusing on being and radiating love, forgiving others and forgiving yourself, and activating healing for yourself and for others.

The Ra Material or Law of One is also frequently cited by David. I recently picked up Volume One, and one particularly message leaped out at me. Regarding meditation, the most important thing is to be open.


Now this might not seem like a big deal, but for me and my particular spiritual journey it was incredibly eye-opening. You see, in shamanic practice, you focus on opening your heart, and your sight, to communication with beings “beyond the veil.” Another way to understand it is to connect to what is beyond what we can discern as physical reality. This intention is what can propel the shaman into other worlds. For myself, it has propelled my vision into places, with beings, and receiving messages that at times can be overwhelming. I had been building this spiritual muscle up for years, not realizing it could be applied just as equally in meditation.

You see, in meditation I would focus on affirmations. Prayers. Reprogramming bad behaviors. Stating a mantra over and over. None of it wrong. But also none of it totally right. I would have breakthrough moments, times when animal guides or spiritual guardians would make direct contact just like when I journey shamanically. But I didn’t understand why.


Open is to get beyond yourself. Open and empathy are lovers. To understand ourselves, and each other, we must stay open.

That is the key. Being open. Being open is a way to leap beyond ego. To escape the prison of our own thoughts. To acknowledge, love, and celebrate conciousness that exists outside of our own mind/body/spirit complex.

When you are open, in meditation, but also in other parts of your life, you are activating a powerful spiritual principle. Openess supersedes the constant monkey chatter that can pollute our thought forms. Open is about being sensitive to everything. To be sensitive with yourself, push past the chatter and doubt, and find yourself in the loving swirl of energy that exists all around us, unseen, just waiting to be discovered.

Open is to get beyond yourself. Open and empathy are lovers. To understand ourselves, our planet, and each other, we must stay open.

Frankly, our very existence depends upon it.

