1 Unique Tourist Spot to Go in the Philippines — Batanes

Matthew Maneja
12 min readJul 8, 2023



  • Unique Tourist Spot
  • 1. Where is Batanes — The Unique Tourist Spot in the Philippines
  • 2. Batanes as a Unique Tourist Spot
  • 3. Batanes is also a Hidden Gem Aside from Being a Unique Tourist Spot
  • 4. Planning Ahead in a Unique Tourist Spot Like Batanes
  • 5. Local Cuisines in a Unique Tourist Spot Like Batanes
    - Coconut Crab (Tatus) of Batanes
    - Vunong of Batanes
    - Uved of Batanes
  • 6. Local Ethnicity of Batanes as a Unique Tourist Spot
  • 7. Do’s and Dont’s Lists in a Unique Tourist Spot like Batanes
    - Few Do’s Lists
    - Few Don’ts Lists
  • 8. Tourist Destinations in Batanes — Unique Tourist Spots
  • 9. Expectations in a Unique Tourist Spot Like Batanes
  • 10. Summary of Why Batanes is a Unique Tourist Spot

Batanes a unique tourist spot in the Philippines is a breathtaking destination that captivates with its natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With its rolling hills, dramatic cliffs, and pristine coastlines, Batanes offers picturesque landscapes that seem untouched by time. The warm hospitality of the Ivatan people, the province’s indigenous community, adds to the charm of this enchanting place. Batanes is a haven for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking for a tranquil escape. From exploring traditional stone houses to indulging in local cuisine, every moment spent in Batanes is a memorable experience that showcases the true essence of this Philippine paradise.

Unique Tourist Spot in the Philippines — Batanes Philippines

Unique Tourist Spot in the Philippines — Batanes

1. Where is Batanes — The Unique Tourist Spot in the Philippines

Batanes is a captivating province placed in the northernmost part of the Philippines. It is an archipelagic group of islands, consisting of three major islands: Batan, Sabtang, and Itbayat, as well as several smaller islets. Nestled in the Luzon Strait, Batanes is isolated from the rest of the country making it a unique tourist spot, a distinct and preserved environment.

2. Batanes as a Unique Tourist Spot

What sets Batanes apart as a unique tourist spot is its unparalleled natural beauty. The province boasts breathtaking landscapes characterized by rolling hills, steep cliffs, and rugged coastlines. Lush greenery blankets the hillsides, while crystal-clear waters surround the islands. These unspoiled vistas make Batanes a haven for nature enthusiasts, photographers, and adventure seekers.

Beyond its picturesque scenery, Batanes is home to the Ivatan people, the indigenous community of the province. The Ivatans have a rich cultural heritage that has been shaped by their unique geographical location and the challenges of their environment. They are known for their resilience, resourcefulness, and strong connection to nature. Traditional Ivatan stone houses, known as “vernacular houses,” dot the landscape, blending harmoniously with the natural surroundings.

3. Batanes is also a Hidden Gem Aside From Being a Unique Tourist Spot

Batanes is a place where time seems to stand still. The province’s remote location and minimal development have preserved its charm and authenticity. Visitors can immerse themselves in the slow-paced lifestyle and experience the genuine warmth of the local community. It is a place where modernity takes a backseat, allowing you to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with nature and yourself.

Traveling through Batanes is like stepping into a living painting. Each corner reveals a new breathtaking vista, a hidden cove, or a cultural gem. Whether you’re exploring the vibrant town of Basco, marveling at the stone houses of Sabtang Island, or trekking to the summit of Itbayat’s majestic cliffs, Batanes offers an immersive experience like no other.

In essence, Batanes is a sanctuary of natural wonders, a testament to the beauty and resilience of both its landscape and people. It is a place where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and find solace in the tranquility of the surroundings. Batanes is a destination that will capture your heart, leaving an indelible mark on your soul.

4. Planning Ahead in a Unique Tourist Spot Like Batanes

When planning a trip to a unique tourist spot like Batanes, it’s essential to consider a few factors to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are some guidelines for planning ahead:

Weather: Batanes have a tropical climate with two distinct seasons. The summer season, from March to June, is generally warm and dry, while the winter season, from November to February, is cooler and characterized by occasional rain showers. It’s sensible to check the weather forecast and pack accordingly.

Flights and Accommodation: Batanes are accessible by air, and flights are limited. It’s advisable to book your flights well in advance to secure your preferred dates. Accommodation options include guesthouses, inns, and homestays. Since Batanes is a popular destination, it’s recommended to book your accommodations ahead of time, especially during peak travel seasons.

Itinerary and Tours: Plan your itinerary based on the attractions and activities you want to experience in Batanes. There are various tours available that cover different parts of the province, including Basco City, Sabtang Island, and the North and South Batan tours. Research and select reputable tour operators that offer the activities you’re interested in.

Permits and Fees: Some areas in Batanes, such as Sabtang Island and Itbayat Island, require permits. Check if your chosen destinations have any entrance fees or additional charges and make necessary arrangements beforehand.

5. Local Cuisines in a Unique Tourist Spot Like Batanes

Batanes has a unique culinary scene that reflects its cultural heritage and natural resources.

Here are some local delicacies and dishes to try during your visit to a unique tourist spot like Batanes:

1. Coconut Crab (Tatus) of Batanes

Known as one of Batanes’ culinary treasures, the coconut crab is a must-try delicacy. Its succulent meat is usually cooked with local spices and served with rice. Make sure to savor the flavors of this rare and delicious treat.

2. Vunong of Batanes

Vunong is a traditional Ivatan dish made with banana stalks. It is usually cooked with pork or beef and seasoned with spices and herbs. The dish has a distinct flavor and is often served during special occasions and festivals.

3. Uved of Batanes

Uved is a savory Ivatan snack made from ground taro leaves mixed with rice flour, then wrapped in banana leaves and cooked. It has a unique taste and texture.

7. Local Ethnicity of Batanes as a Unique tourist spot

The people of Batanes, Philippines, known as the Ivatans, are a fascinating and warm-hearted community that contributes to the province’s unique charm. As a tourist vlogger, it is a delight to engage with the locals and showcase their rich cultural heritage. Here’s a description of the people of Batanes:

The Ivatans are known for their strong sense of community and their deep connection to their land and the sea. They have inhabited the province for centuries and have developed a resilient and resourceful way of life, shaped by the challenges of their remote location and harsh climate.

Hospitality is ingrained in the Ivatan culture. From the moment you set foot in Batanes, you will be welcomed with genuine warmth and friendliness. The locals take pride in sharing their traditions, stories, and local delicacies with visitors, creating an inclusive and inviting atmosphere.

The Ivatans have preserved their cultural heritage through generations, and it is visible in their traditional practices and unique craftsmanship. Their distinct stone houses, called vernacular houses, are not only architectural marvels but also reflect their resilience against typhoons and strong winds. These houses are built to withstand the region’s challenging weather conditions, showcasing the Ivatans’ ingenuity and craftsmanship.

The Ivatan culture is deeply rooted in their connection to nature. They have a profound respect for the environment and practice sustainable farming and fishing methods. They rely on the rich resources of the land and sea, ensuring their livelihoods while maintaining a delicate balance with nature.

Art and craftsmanship are integral to Ivatan culture. They are skilled weavers, creating intricate vakul (traditional headgear) and other woven products using locally sourced materials. The Ivatans’ artistic talents are also showcased in their vibrant traditional dances, music, and oral storytelling.

Engaging with the people of Batanes allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of their way of life and the challenges they face. It is through conversations and interactions with the locals that one can truly appreciate their resilience, strong community bonds, and unwavering spirit.

Documenting the stories and experiences of the people of Batanes provides a valuable opportunity to showcase their rich cultural heritage and highlight the importance of preserving their traditions. The Ivatans’ warmth, hospitality, and pride in their heritage make them an integral part of the Batanes experience, and sharing their stories helps create a deeper connection between travelers and this enchanting province.

8. Do’s and Don’ts Lists in a Unique Tourist Spot like Batanes

Few To-Do Lists:

  • 1. Respect the local culture: Embrace and respect the Ivatan culture and traditions. Learn about their customs and show appreciation for their way of life.
    2. Explore the natural wonders: Take the time to explore the breathtaking landscapes and natural attractions that Batanes offers. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the rolling hills, cliffs, and stunning coastlines.
  • 3. Try local cuisine: Indulge in the unique flavors of Batanes by trying the local dishes and delicacies. Sample dishes like coconut crab, vunong, and other Ivatan specialties to experience the local gastronomy.
  • 4. Engage with the community: Interact with the friendly locals and learn from their experiences. Engaging in conversations and building connections will enhance your understanding of the culture and create memorable experiences.

Few Don’ts Lists:

  • 1. Disrespect the environment: Preserve the natural beauty of Batanes by not littering or damaging the surroundings. Help in keeping the islands clean and pristine for future generations to enjoy.
  • Disrupt local traditions: Avoid disturbing local rituals, ceremonies, or sacred sites. Respect their customs and observe from a distance without interfering.
  • 2. Overlook safety precautions: Be cautious when exploring Batanes’ rugged landscapes. Follow safety guidelines, listen to local advice, and take necessary precautions to ensure your well-being.
  • 3. Overcommercialize the experience: Batanes is known for its tranquility and untouched beauty. Avoid excessive commercialization or disrespectful behavior that may disrupt the serenity of the environment.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can have a respectful, enjoyable, and responsible visit to Batanes while appreciating the beauty of this remarkable province.

When visiting Batanes, Philippines, there are several things you can expect that make it a unique and captivating destination. From its breathtaking landscapes to its rich cultural heritage, Batanes offers a one-of-a-kind experience for travelers. Here’s what you can expect when you visit Batanes:

9. Tourist Destinations in Batanes — Unique Tourist Spots

Batanes, the picturesque province located in the northernmost part of the Philippines, is a treasure trove of stunning tourist destinations. From dramatic cliffs to idyllic beaches and cultural landmarks, Batanes offers a diverse range of attractions that captivate visitors. Here are some must-visit tourist destinations in Batanes:

  • Basco Lighthouse: Situated in Basco, the capital city of Batanes, the Basco Lighthouse is an iconic landmark that offers panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. Climb to the top for a breathtaking vista of the rugged cliffs and the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean.
  • Marlboro Hills: Also known as Rakuh-a-idi Spring, Marlboro Hills is a popular spot for nature lovers and hikers. The rolling hills, covered in lush green grass, resemble the famed Marlboro Country, hence the name. Trek to the top for a mesmerizing view of the verdant landscape.
  • Valugan Boulder Beach: Located in Basco, Valugan Boulder Beach is a unique sight with large volcanic rocks scattered along the shoreline. The crashing waves against the boulders create a dramatic backdrop, making it a favorite spot for photography enthusiasts.
  • Sabtang Island: Accessible by boat, Sabtang Island offers a glimpse into the traditional Ivatan way of life. Explore the stone houses in Chavayan Village, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and marvel at its well-preserved cobblestone streets. Sabtang’s rugged coastline and secluded coves also provide opportunities for scenic walks and beach relaxation.
  • Mount Iraya: For adventure seekers, a trek to the summit of Mount Iraya is a must. This dormant volcano stands as the highest peak in Batanes, offering panoramic views of the province and neighboring islands. It is recommended to hire a local guide for a safe and memorable hiking experience.
  • Itbayat Island: Known as the largest island in Batanes, Itbayat Island is an off-the-beaten-path destination. It is characterized by sheer cliffs, stunning rock formations, and untouched natural beauty. Explore the island’s rugged terrain, visit the centuries-old Ivatan houses, and witness the remarkable Torongan Cave.
  • Diura Fishing Village: Immerse yourself in the local fishing culture by visiting Diura Fishing Village in Mahatao. Observe traditional fishing techniques, interact with the friendly locals, and savor fresh seafood prepared in authentic Ivatan style.
  • Fundacion Pacita Nature Lodge: For a unique accommodation experience, stay at the Fundacion Pacita Nature Lodge. Nestled on a hillside, this boutique hotel offers stunning views of Batan Island and provides a serene and tranquil retreat amidst nature.
  • These are just a few of the many incredible tourist destinations that await you in Batanes. Whether you’re exploring its natural wonders, immersing yourself in the local culture, or simply basking in the serenity of the surroundings, Batanes promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you in awe of its beauty.

10. Expectations in a unique tourist spot like Batanes:

  • 1. Stunning Natural Beauty: Batanes is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and unspoiled beauty. You can expect to be greeted by rolling hills, dramatic cliffs, and rugged coastlines. The lush greenery, vibrant flora, and crystal-clear waters create a paradise for nature lovers and photographers.
  • 2. Tranquility and Serenity: Batanes is an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its remote location and limited development, you can expect a serene and peaceful environment. The laid-back atmosphere, clean air, and absence of crowded tourist spots allow you to truly unwind and connect with nature.
  • 3. Rich Ivatan Culture: Batanes is home to the Ivatan people, who have preserved their unique cultural heritage for generations. You can expect to encounter traditional Ivatan stone houses, where the locals proudly display their craftsmanship. Immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the Ivatans and learn about their traditions, music, dances, and oral history.
  • 4. Delicious Local Cuisine: Batanes offers a culinary experience that reflects its cultural roots and natural resources. You can expect to indulge in fresh seafood, such as lobsters and crabs, as well as traditional Ivatan dishes like vunong (a taro leaf delicacy) and uvod (banana heart dish). Don’t miss the chance to try the famous coconut crab, a local delicacy known for its succulent meat.
  • 5. Spectacular Lighthouses: Batanes is famous for its iconic lighthouses, which have become symbols of the province. You can expect to see these picturesque structures perched on dramatic cliffs, offering panoramic views of the surrounding seascape. The Basco Lighthouse and Mahatao Lighthouse are popular spots for visitors to capture stunning photos.
  • 6. Charming Small Towns: Batanes is dotted with charming small towns that exude a laid-back and rustic charm. Basco, the capital city, offers a glimpse into local life with its quaint streets, vibrant market, and charming cafes. Exploring towns like Ivana and Sabtang will transport you back in time with their well-preserved stone houses and tranquil atmosphere.
  • 7. Unique Outdoor Activities: Adventure enthusiasts will find plenty of activities to enjoy in Batanes. You can expect to go on scenic hikes, bike along coastal roads, or take exhilarating boat rides to neighboring islands. From trekking up rolling hills to snorkeling in crystal-clear waters, Batanes offers a range of outdoor adventures for every traveler.
  • 8. Unforgettable Sunrises and Sunsets: Batanes is known for its breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. You can expect to witness vibrant hues painting the sky as the sun rises or sets over the vast horizon. These magical moments create a truly unforgettable experience and offer the perfect backdrop for capturing stunning photographs.

11. Summary of Why Batanes is a Unique Tourist Spot

In summary, Batanes offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and tranquility. Expect to be captivated by the province’s stunning landscapes, engage with the warm and welcoming Ivatan community, and create lifelong memories in this enchanting corner of the Philippines.

